Marzenie wrestlera
Marzenie Wrestlera (Wrestler's Dream) is a 2017 short documentary film by Artur Wierzbicki about Jędruś Bułecka.
The documentary depicts Marcin, a serious acadmic professor on his way to a doctorate, whose eccentric passion leads to numerous conflicts and misunderstandings with the people closest to him.
The film was screened at the 2018 Off-Camera International Film Festival in Poznań, where it received an honourary mention, and on 20.10.2020 it was aired on television by TVP2. As of 2024, however, it's not available to watch in any capacity.
Official film poster, featuring Jędruś Bułecka.
Official Facebook page
Wrestlers waiting backstage in Smolec.
From left to right: Kevin Williams, Kowboj Luke, El Dorado, Jędruś Bułecka.
Official Facebook page
Jędruś Bułecka in the ring.
Official Facebook page
A dynamic shot of Polish Hammer vs Asmund.
Official Facebook page
Shadow helping Red Thunder tie his mask.
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