DDW International Championship

Table of contents
  1. Statistics
  2. Belt design
  3. Champion #1: Joe Legend
  4. Champion #2: Kamil Aleksander

DDW International Championship was the the only belt of Do Or Die Wrestling. It was introduced in 2010 and has the distinction of being the first Polish pro wrestling title.


Belt design

The design of DDW International Championship pays homage to old-school championships from the '80s era of US promotions, most notably the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. The main plate is round with horizontal rectangural protrusions in the middle. The metal used is golden-brass, coloured with a blue globe symbol centred on Europe and a small DDW logo on top of the plate. The plate also contains some simple black ornaments and three red banners: the top one with flags of USA, Italy, UK, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Canada & France displayed, the middle one with the word "International", and the bottom one with "Champion" engraved. Both sides of the Championship also feature sideplates - one with a big Polish flag, and the other with the DDW logo on it. The plates are attached to a standard black belt.

Champion #1: Joe Legend

TOTAL: 672 days.

Following DDW #7 the title was vacated and the promotion had no champion for 890 days.

Champion #2: Kamil Aleksander

TOTAL: 341 days.

DDW folded some time after Baltikon, but the exact date is unknown, thus the length of this title run is an approximation based on the date of the final show. Note also that there are few details regarding Baltikon available, including the exact nature of Aleksander vs Luxus, however the prominence with which the Championship title is displayed strongly suggests a title match.