KPW Arena 3
The third Arena show was held on Saturday, June 11, 2016, in the gymnastics hall of Gimnazjum 8 in Gdańsk.
The event featured DDW character Kamil Leśny joining KPW, as a member of the Kawaleria (The Cavalry) faction.
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Cast and crew
- Ring announcer
- Arkadiusz Pawłowski
- Greg enters in a bad mood because his entrance music is missing. Dawid is distracted by Luxus.
- During the second match, Lambert pops out from under the ring holding a chair. Zasada tries to stop him, only to get some chair in his face. Pannache cowers,
ready for the chairshot but Korpo receives it instead, leading to a DQ. A second chair does land on Pannache while he was talking to the referee.
- Greg intervenes and attacks Mira. She retaliates by slapping him, and Ostrowski lands a suicide dive on Greg. Luxus wants Greg to restrain his opponent,
but Mira intervenes again with a low-blow. Luxus pins, but Greg distracts the ref who starts the count late.
- Kamil returns after suspension, applies various locks and holds to his opponent. Lambert does a Three Amigos on Kamil, but loses to a Semper Invictus.
- Kawaler starts in the ring with his faction, and cuts a promo on Robert, promising the same result as three years ago.
Bianca enters in a sexy referee outfit. Robert enters with KISS-inspired face paint on. Robert applies a Sharpshooter, but is distracted by a masked character
at ringside. Superkicks him for good measure, but this allows Kawaler to recover and pin Robert. The masked character turns out to be Leśny.
Official poster, featuring Damian Lambert, Piękny Kawaler, Robert Star and Kamil Aleksander. / Official KPW Facebook