PTW Underground 15
The 15th Underground event was the go-home show for PTW #4 Mystery, and, as per FITE billings, the last one to feature Kinguin as titular sponsor.
It was held in the PTW Performance Center in Chorzów. The show one new foreign guest: American female wrestler Devlyn Macabre. Devlyn was playing a heel persona, with Rammstein's "Sonne" as her entrance theme.
By the time of the event, Devlyn was touring the European independent scene, with three matches in lower-card AEW shows in her resume.
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Cast and crew
- Host, Ring Announcer, General Manager
- Arkadiusz Pawłowski
- Commentary
- Piotr "ShowOff" Małecki, Arek Paterek
- Interviews
- Tobiasz "Skyver" Korzybski
- Referees
- Sędzia Klaudiusz, Sędzia Seweryn
- After the opening match, Skyver conducted an interview with Rafi Rarytas, who declares that he will make Wiktor Longman accept the "power of friendship", challenging him to a match. Iskra interrupted with a promo, and started beating on Rafi, bell is rang for an impromptu match. Rafi hit his finisher on Iskra, immediately pinning him for a win. According to commentary, this was the shortest ever PTW match, lasting all of 9 seconds.
- Marcelito lost due to interference from Iskra. GM Pawłowski grabbed the microphone and announced a rematch on the upcoming Mystery, and Iskra not getting a match as punishment.
- After the break, Pawłowski announced Justin Joy's departure from his role as trainer at PTW, and mentioned that some organizational adjustments needed to be made. Two PTW Academy rookies (announced as Kornel and Przemek) came into the ring, cut promos about how they made their way to PTW and praised their trainers.
- Pawłowski introduced new PTW Academy trainers: Disco Pablo and Nano Lopez for beginners, Axel Fox and Taras for the advanced group.
- Puncher entered for his match, insulting his oppponent by calling him Hyundai (the car manufacturer) instead of Hunyadi. He also insulted Robert Star, who's his upcoming opponent at Mystery. After a quick squash match, continued to beat Tamas, busting him open to send a message to Robert.
- Marco Hammers entered the ring for a pre-match promo, thanking GM Pawłowski for giving him a bald opponent. He presented a skin-toned "bald" swimming cap, advertising it as new merchandise for anyone who wants to be bald like him, but does not have the courage to shave their head. In a comedic development, he put the cap on referee Seweryn, thus making him the first bald referee in PTW.
- Taras won his match fairly quickly, and was rewarded by fans with a McDonald's meal which he consumed immediately.
- Unannounced, Wiktor Longman made an entrance, and cut a promo on Pawłowski, apologising for his behavior at the previous show. Longman addresses his presence at Bad Bones's wedding, declaring it a strictly private relationship with no relation to his PTW job. Then he requested Pawłowski to give him a match. El Ogre entered, wearing Rafi Rarytas's "power of friendship" merchandise.
- Afterwards, Pawłowski announced Rafi vs Longman for the upcoming Mystery show. Longman accepted, yes-maning with his "the boss is alwasy right" catchphrase.
- In the final moments, a table was set up in the ring, PAKA and Rzeźniczek (co-owner of PTW) joined Pure Gold (Gabriel Queen and Vic Golden) for a contract signing. The two teams would face each other on the upcoming Mystery show for the newly created Tag Team Championship. Karyna and Olgierd interfered, allowing Pure Gold to sneak attack PAKA. Their third member Boro makes a save, but Hammers also joins the fray.
- The heel teams start to overpower PAKA. Vic and Gabriel drop Boro through the table.
- Inspired, Pawłowski announced that their upcoming championship match is now a Tables match.
Official poster. Pictured left to right: Vic Golden, Sinister, Gabriel Queen, Disco Pablo.
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