Table of contents
Championships and accomplishments
Championships and accomplishments
Photos from events
Jędruś Bułecka vs Rob Cage, with Rider back to the camera; Battle Royal.
From: DDW #5 Dzień Sądu
Jędruś Bułecka @ Facebook
Official poster. Pictured are: Justin Joy, Szymon Siwiec, Jędruś Bułecka, Asmund, Red Thunder and Shadow.
From: MZW Pre-War
Show poster.
Top row: Szymon Siwiec, Hexia, Kevin Williams, Robert Kaiser, Rick Baxxter, Jędruś Bułecka, Asmund.
Bottom row: Ilja Dragunov, Shadow, Red Thunder, Justin Joy, Stanisław Van Dobroniak.
From: MZW Champions War
Show poster with Asmund.
From: MZW Revolution
Asmund vs Stanisław Van Dobroniak
From: MZW Beatdown II
Show poster. Wrestlers pictured are: Justin Joy, Laurance Roman, Shadow, Hexia, Asmund and Rick Baxxter.
From: MZW Freak Show
Facebook @ManiacZoneWrestling
Official poster. Top-down, left to right:
Mr B., Valeria;
???, Hexia;
???, Stanisław Van Dobroniak, ???;
Matt Buckna, Shadow, Asmund;
???, Rick Baxxter, ???;
Jędruś Bułecka, ???;
???, ???;
Alexander Reich.
From: MZW Big Rumble
Official MZW Facebook
Official poster. The four wrestlers are Asmund, Damien Rothschild, Justin Joy and Shadow.
From: MZW Project 1: New Beginning
Official MZW Facebook
Official poster, featuring Asmund.
From: MZW Project 6: Death & Glory
Official MZW Facebook
Rider politely asks The Seraphim to perhaps fight him, if it's not too inconvenient.
From: PIWG Season I Episode 2
Polish Backyard Archives @ YouTube
Rider's entrance.
From: PIWG Season I Episode 2
Polish Backyard Archives @ YouTube
Rider suplexes The Seraphim.
From: PIWG Season I Episode 2
Polish Backyard Archives @ YouTube
Rider knocks down The Seraphim.
From: PIWG Season I Episode 2
Polish Backyard Archives @ YouTube
Rider and The Seraphim played everyone like a fiddle.
From: PIWG Season I Episode 2
Polish Backyard Archives @ YouTube
Appearances per promotion and year
Matches and segments