Jerry "Rich" Mandecky 🇵🇱

Table of contents
  1. Basic info
  2. Professional wrestling career
    1. PpW Ewenement (2022-2024)
  3. Career

Basic info

Professional wrestling career

PpW Ewenement (2022-2024)

Jerry "Rich" Mandecky is PpW's former (kayfabe) owner and authority figure. He was portrayed as an American-born businessman who earned his first million USD at the age of 20 due to his extreme talent for investing. As a lifelong wrestling fan, he decided to use his wealth to support growing hardcore wrestling in Poland.

In May 2022 PpW posted a video where Mandecky and his associate coerced the previous owner, Sun Ju, to sign off PpW ownership to them. Mandecky proudly announced that his "Mandecky Investment Group" had acquired PpW. He explained his business background, prior contributions to PpW and announced a new venue for PpW - Waldorffa 25.

At PpW Ewenement Haze Mandecky was betrayed and disposed of by his former bodyguard, Kapitan Bazooka. Later at the same show it was announced that he is now considered missing. PpW's "Executive Producer" Mister Z revealed that a contract between him and Mandecky named Z the legal successor of Mandecky, thus giving the "Executive Producer" full authority over PpW.

Photos from events


Appearances per promotion and year

Matches and segments