Kapitan Bazooka 🇵🇱

Kapitan Bazooka is a retired wrestler, competing for PpW between 2022 and 2024.

Professional wrestling career

2022: Debut and feuding with Sędzia Kornel

Bazooka debuted during Najlepsza Gala w Mieście in November 2022. His gimmick was that of a soldier dismissed from his unit for excessive aggression, wearing camo gear, green camo facepaint, combat boots and a black beret with no visible insignia.

His first opponent was Adam Wong, whom Bazooka dispatched quickly in a brutal squash match. Immediately after pinning his opponent he decided to also attack the referee, laying him out with an Attitude Adjustment and putting him out of the action for the rest of the night. That referee was the also-debuting Sędzia Kornel, and the two would go on to have a feud over the next few months, although mostly outside the ring and on social media. The feud was resolved during Piwo Przyjacielem Wrestlingu a year later, when Kornel's American cousin, Kapral (Corporal) Kornel defeated Bazooka in a singles match.

2023: State of Extreme Violence, bodyguard to Mandecky

In February 2023, just before Back to the OG, PpW released Bazooka's promo on YouTube, a two-minute clip titled "STAN NADZWYCZAJNEJ PRZEMOCY" (State of Extreme Violence). The video appeared with distortions and washed-out color as if recorded off TV with a VCR. In the top-right corner, a fake channel name "PpW HISTORIA" appears, directly referencing and mocking TVP Historia, the national broadcaster's channel focused on history. Bazooka sits in front of a grey wall, in his combat uniform, balaclava and beret, and reads a statement from a memo pad. His words, and the video's aesthetic, directly reference the infamous December 13, 1981 announcement when First Secretary and Army General Wojciech Jaruzelski interrupted children's TV programming and declared martial law in Poland in reaction to a massive wave of strike action and the threat of Soviet intervention.

During Piwa i Igrzysk, in a segment between Johnny Blade and PpW's kayfabe owner and authority figure at that time, Jerry "Rich" Mandecky, the latter announced Johnny's opponent to be his new bodyguard, Kapitan Bazooka. Bazooka entered the ring in slightly updated gear: his green vest now painted with a white skull motif similar to the comic book antihero Punisher, with facepaint to match, and proceeded to viciously attack Johnny without waiting for the bell to ring. Later that same night, Mandecky confronted Biesiad, who successfully defended his PpW Championship title against Steve Kuningas. He stated that Biesiad should not be too happy about his defense, because he'd be defending his title against Bazooka on the next show, which was Mistrzowskie Rozdanie two months later. Biesiad won that match by KO, defending his title yet again. This broke Bazooka's undefeated streak.

2024: Betraying Mandecky, retirement

Bazooka's only other singles match after May 2023 was against Kapral Kornel at PpW Piwo Przyjacielem Wrestlingu in November. On that event, he also appeared in two multi-man matches. His next and final appearance was at Ewenement Haze in April 2024. Mandecky entered the ring, followed by Bazooka in urban camo and a black vest with a "SECURITY" badge on his chest, wearing a black skull cap and a face mask with a skull motif. Their entrance music wasn't Mandecky's or Bazooka's usual themes, but Iron Maiden's "The Trooper". Initially still appearing to work for Mandecky, Bazooka helped him enter the ring, and saluted Mandecky after both of them took a look at the beaten Mister Z in the corner. However, while the two were saluting each other, Bazooka turned his salute into a middle finger gesture to Mandecky. With the crowd reacting wildly, he then delivered a gut kick and stunner to his now former boss and removed his cap, mask and vest, revealing a new set of gear underneath. On the front, his longsleeve featured a giant half-skull, with KAPITAN BAZOOKA above and below it, and on the back was his new slogan "Uderzeniowa Fala od morza do Podhala" (roughly: Shock Wave, from the (Baltic) sea to Podhale highlands). His facepaint was also updated, still a white skull, but on black rather than green. Bazooka then proceeded to further punish Mandecky by landing a chairshot followed by an elbow drop to the chair on the laid out authority figure. He then produced a black cloth bag and put it on Mandecky's head, tying it with a piece of string. After rolling him out of the ring and dragging his body over the barriers, he left the ringside area. The audience was later told that he put Mandecky in a body bag, then in a car's trunk and drove off to parts unknown.

This new angle however, didn't go anywhere. Later that year in August, Bazooka announced his retirement from wrestling due to unspecified joint condition, preventing him from strenuous physical activity.


Appearances per promotion and year

Matches and segments