Matt2Hot 🇵🇱

Table of contents
  1. Basic info
  2. Professional wrestling career
    1. Polish Xtreme Wrestling (2012)
    2. Maniac Zone Wrestling (2014-2019)
    3. PpW Ewenement (2015)
  3. Career

Matt2Hot is a retired backyard wrestler and referee best known from his time in Maniac Zone Wrestling where he worked as referee. He also made a few appearances in Polish Xtreme Wrestling and PpW Ewenement.

Basic info

Professional wrestling career

Polish Xtreme Wrestling (2012)

Matt2Hot made a single appearance in Polish Xtreme Wrestling back in 2012 in a tag team match teaming up with his (storyline or real-life) brother Matt2Hot Jr. against Snake and Matt Blazer.

Maniac Zone Wrestling (2014-2019)

Matt2Hot debuted as a referee during first-ever public event held by Maniac Zone Wrestling - Pokaz Adeptów. After that he made his return four years later at MZW Project 2: Four. Due to a referee shortage in MZW, he continued his regular appearances for the next three shows up until MZW Project 5: Hero in June 2019. For most of that time he either worked alone or alongside Referee Tobias. Project 5 marked his last appearance on the Polish wrestling scene, as he seemingly retired from wrestling.

PpW Ewenement (2015)

In 2015 Matt2Hot made a one-off appearance as an in-ring comptetior during PpW's backyard show Gala Na Hali, where he fought against Electrico.

Photos from events


Appearances per promotion and year

Matches and segments

Crew appearances