Piękny Kawaler
Table of contents
Basic info
Professional wrestling career
Do Or Die Wrestling (2013-2015)
Kombat Pro Wrestling (2015-present)
In wrestling
Championships and accomplishments
Internet presence
Piękny Kawaler (roughly Beautiful Bachelor, or Lovely Lad) is a Polish wrestler and the owner of Kombat Pro Wrestling where he actively wrestled between 2015 and 2019. Prior to KPW, he also worked in Do Or Die Wrestling.
Basic info
- Years active: 2012-present
- Gimmicks/nicknames:
- Trained by:
Professional wrestling career
Do Or Die Wrestling (2013-2015)
Piękny Kawaler started his wrestling career by training in the Source Wrestling School in Glasgow where he worked as a babyface.
After returning to Poland he joined Do Or Die Wrestling where he gained notoriety as a heel, known for his eccentric promos. In 2015 he formed a heel stable called "Kawaleria" (The Cavalry), with Luxus and Greg as his subordinates.
Kombat Pro Wrestling (2015-present)
After DDW transformed into Kombat Pro Wrestling, Kawaler stayed in the federation, eventually becoming one of the most prominent characters in KPW. He remained the leader of Kawaleria and defeated Kamil Aleksander to become the first ever KPW Champion.
KPW Champion and feud with Robert Star
After his victory over Kamil Aleksander, Piękny Kawaler ran a successful campagin of numerous championship defences over international wrestlers such as Elliott Jordan, Pastor William Eaver or Wild Boar. In March 2018 at Arena 9: Na Krawędzi Kawaler, along with his stable, officialy established themselves as opponents for the babyface faction under Robert Star's leadership, called "Sojusz" (The Alliance). At the next show - Arena X: Kawaleria vs Sojusz - Kawaler faced Robert for his KPW Championship in a Lumberjack Match. He managed to defeat The Polish Stallion, but eventually lost the championship to Ron Corvus, who won a title match contract earlier the same night.
Despite the loss of his championship, Kawaler managed to earn another asset - Robert's defeat meant that he was forced to join Kawaleria. They even managed to got into a Semi-Finals Match for the KPW Tag Team Championship, but were disqualified after Kawaler was found to be under the influence, and were suspended after assaulting a referee. During that suspension period, Kawaler ran for the position of Kombat Pro Wrestling's chairman, ultimately losing to Krystian Malinowski at Arena 13. At the same show Robert Star managed to win the KPW Championship. Kawaler - still acting as Robert's leader - claimed the championship as his own. This resulted in Robert finally breaking free from Kawaleria, but also in him being released from KPW for breaking the deal between him and Kawaler.
At KPW Godzina Zero 2019 Piękny Kawaler once again stood against his career-long nemesis, Robert Star. This time it was a KPW Championship Career vs Career Last Man Standing Match. Piękny Kawaler lost this bout, and later on was backstabbed by his long-time allies from Kawaleria. This marks his final official apperance in Kombat Pro Wrestling.
Owner and Head Coach
After his in-ring retirement Kawaler continued to run KPW Academy and the federation itself as the main coach, booker and owner.
In wrestling
- Looooooove (Double knee facebreaker) (2013-2015)
- Jajacha (Crotch-lift release German suplex) (2015-2019)
Tag Teams and stables:
Entrance music:
Championships and accomplishments
Internet presence
Promo shot of Piękny Kawaler
Pięny Kawaler's Facebook
Photos from events
Official poster. Arkadiusz Pawłowski is holding the DDW championsip belt in the background. Wrestlers pictured are: Jędruś Bułecka, Kamil Aleksander, Bianca and Piękny Kawaler.
From: DDW #8
Official DDW Facebook
Fan-made unofficial poster. Left to right: Kamil Aleksander, Piękny Kawaler, Arkadiusz Pawłowski, Don Roid, Bianca, Klarys (front), Jędruś Bułecka (back).
From: DDW #8
Official DDW Facebook
Luxus & Piękny Kawaler vs Mateusz Kowalski & Robert Star. Kowalski is holding Kawaler, Luxus and Robert are down on the floor.
From: DDW Charity Event
Official DDW Facebook
Piękny Kawaler holding Mateusz Kowalski in a delayed vertical suplex.
From: DDW Charity Event
Official DDW Facebook
Mateusz Kowalski dodges a lariat by Piękny Kawaler. Luxus stands in the corner.
From: DDW Charity Event
Official DDW Facebook
Robert Star and Luxus, with Piękny Kawaler in the corner.
From: DDW Charity Event
Official DDW Facebook
Luxus & Piękny Kawaler emerge victorious.
From: DDW Charity Event
Official DDW Facebook
Official poster. Left to right: Robert Star, Klarys, Kamil Aleksander and Piękny Kawaler.
From: DDW House Show #1
Official DDW Facebook
Official poster. Left to right: Bianca, Klarys, Kamil Aleksander, Piękny Kawaler.
From: DDW House Show #2
Official DDW Facebook
Kawaleria making their entrance. From the left: Greg, Bianca, Piękny Kawaler
From: DDW @ Baltikon 2015
Facebook Baltikon / Tarakum Photo
Mira and Kaszub in the corner, Ostrowski getting kicked by Kawaler
From: DDW @ Baltikon 2015
Facebook Baltikon / Tarakum Photo
Kawaler vs Ostrowski
From: DDW @ Baltikon 2015
Facebook Baltikon / Tarakum Photo
Greg tagging in from Kawaler, Ostrowski down on the ring
From: DDW @ Baltikon 2015
Facebook Baltikon / Tarakum Photo
Greg holding down Ostrowski for a kick from Kawaler
From: DDW @ Baltikon 2015
Facebook Baltikon / Tarakum Photo
Mira and Kaszub stand in the corner while Kawaler pins Ostrowski
From: DDW @ Baltikon 2015
Facebook Baltikon / Tarakum Photo
Kaszub, Ostrowski and Kawaler
From: DDW @ Baltikon 2015
Facebook Baltikon / Tarakum Photo
Ostrowski in the corner, Kawaler attacking, referee Mateusz Kowalski in the background.
From: DDW @ Baltikon 2015
Facebook Baltikon / Tarakum Photo
Kawaler dropping Kaszub in his corner.
From: DDW @ Baltikon 2015
Facebook Baltikon / Tarakum Photo
Official poster. Left to right: ???, Kamil Aleksander, Ron Corvus, Bianca and Piękny Kawaler.
From: KPW vs the World: Hung(a)ry for Kombat
kpwrestling.pl / Official KPW Facebook
Left to right, top row: ???, Piękny Kawaler, Arkadiusz Pawłowski, David Oliwa, Boski Ostrowski, Mira.
Bottom row: Robert Star, Kaszub, Bianca, Luxus, Greg, Damian Lambert, Gracjan Korpo.
From: KPW @ Gdynia Game Festival
Official KPW Facebook
Official poster, showing Kamil Aleksander, Piękny Kawaler and Robert Star
From: KPW Arena 1
kpwrestling.pl / Official KPW Facebook
Official poster, showing Ron Corvus, Bianca, Piękny Kawaler, Greg, Kaszub, Robert Star and Luxus.
From: KPW Arena 2
kpwrestling.pl / Official KPW Facebook
Official poster, featuring Damian Lambert, Piękny Kawaler, Robert Star and Kamil Aleksander.
From: KPW Arena 3
kpwrestling.pl / Official KPW Facebook
Official poster, showing Kamil Aleksander, Piękny Kawaler, Robert Star, Bianca, Ron Corvus, Damian Lambert and Jon Ryan.
From: KPW Godzina Zero 2016
kpwrestling.pl / Official KPW Facebook
Official poster, featuring Kamil Aleksander, Piękny Kawaler, Robert Star and David Oliwa.
From: KPW Arena 4: Nowy Rozdział
kpwrestling.pl / Official KPW Facebook
Official poster, featuring Robert Star, Piękny Kawaler, Kamil Aleksander and Bianca.
From: KPW Arena V: Atlantic City
kpwrestling.pl / Official KPW Facebook
Official poster. Seen along the bottom, left to right: David Oliwa, Peter Pannache, Ron Corvus, Greg, Piękny Kawaler, Kamil Aleksander, Gracjan Korpo, Kaszub, Boski Ostrowski, Robert Star and Rosetti.
From: KPW Szlamfest
kpwrestling.pl / Official KPW Facebook
Official poster, featuring Piękny Kawaler, Kamil Aleksander, Bianca and Sawicki.
From: KPW Arena 6: Selekcja
kpwrestling.pl / Official KPW Facebook
Official poster, showing Bianca, Piękny Kawaler, Robert Star, Peter Pannache and Greg.
From: KPW Arena 7: Wysoka Stawka
kpwrestling.pl / Official KPW Facebook
Official poster, showing Bianca, Piękny Kawaler, Kamil Aleksander, Robert Star and Ron Corvus.
From: KPW OldTown 2: Turniej
kpwrestling.pl / Official KPW Facebook
Official poster, showing Bianca, Joey Ozbourne, Fynn Freyhard, Kamil Aleksander, Ron Corvus, Piękny Kawaler, Greg, Wild Boar, Kat Von Kaige, Mika The Polish Punisher, David Oliwa, Peter Pannache and Robert Star.
From: KPW Godzina Zero 2017
kpwrestling.pl / Official KPW Facebook
Official poster. Shown are: Peter Pannache, Robert Star, Piękny Kawaler, Greg, Kamil Aleksander and Bianca.
From: KPW Arena 8: Droga Bez Powrotu
kpwrestling.pl / Official KPW Facebook
Official poster, with Piękny Kawaler and Robert Star.
From: KPW Arena X: Kawaleria vs Sojusz
kpwrestling.pl / Official KPW Facebook
Official poster, showing Ron Corvus, Tom LaRuffa, Greg, Robert Star, Piękny Kawaler, Kamil Aleksander, Bianca and Tristan Archer.
From: KPW Godzina Zero 2018
kpwrestling.pl / Official KPW Facebook
Official poster. Shown are: David Oliwa, Piękny Kawaler, Dom Taylor, Robert Star, Peter Pannache, Kamil Aleksander, Rosetti and Boski Ostrowski.
From: KPW Arena 11: Podwójne Zagrożenie
kpwrestling.pl / Official KPW Facebook
Official poster, with Piękny Kawaler and Robert Star dressed like gangsters.
From: KPW Arena 13: Capo Di Tutti Capi
kpwrestling.pl / Official KPW Facebook
Official poster. Top row: David Oliwa, Dom Taylor, Greg, Primate, Steinbolt. Bottom row: Rosetti, Sixt, Piękny Kawaler, Robert Star, Sawicki, Bianca.
From: KPW Godzina Zero 2019
kpwrestling.pl / Official KPW Facebook
Appearances per promotion and year
Matches and segments
Robert Star(c)
Piękny Kawaler
KPW Championship
Career vs Career Last Man Standing Match
at KPW Godzina Zero 2019
Piękny Kawaler
Lucas Robinson
Singles Match
at KPW OldTown 4
Piękny Kawaler
Mark Haskins
Singles Match
at KPW Arena 14: Następny Poziom
Rosetti, Sawicki
Piękny Kawaler, Robert Star
via DQ
Tournament Semi Final Tag Team Match
at KPW Arena 11: Podwójne Zagrożenie
Piękny Kawaler, Robert Star
Tournament First Round Two On One Handicap Match
at KPW Arena 11: Podwójne Zagrożenie
Piękny Kawaler
Adam Bravo
Street Fight
at KPW Godzina Zero 2018
Kawaleria: Piękny Kawaler, Robert Star, Rosetti
Sojusz: Boski Ostrowski, David Oliwa, Kamil Aleksander
Six Man Tag Team Match
at KPW OldTown 3
Ron Corvus
Piękny Kawaler(c)
KPW Championship
at KPW Arena X: Kawaleria vs Sojusz
Piękny Kawaler(c)
Robert Star
KPW Championship
Lumberjack Match
at KPW Arena X: Kawaleria vs Sojusz
Piękny Kawaler(c)
Wild Boar
KPW Championship
at KPW Godzina Zero 2017
Piękny Kawaler
Adam Bravo
Singles Match
at KPW OldTown 2: Turniej
Piękny Kawaler(c)
Boski Ostrowski
KPW Championship
at KPW Arena 7: Wysoka Stawka
Piękny Kawaler(c)
Karol Górski
KPW Championship
at KPW Arena 6: Selekcja
Kaszub, Piękny Kawaler
Boski Ostrowski, David Oliwa
Tag Team Match
at KPW Szlamfest
Piękny Kawaler(c)
Pastor William Eaver
KPW Championship
at KPW Arena V: Atlantic City
Piękny Kawaler(c)
Elliott Jordan
KPW Championship
at KPW Arena 4: Nowy Rozdział
Piękny Kawaler
Kamil Aleksander
KPW Championship
2 out of 3 Falls Match
at KPW Godzina Zero 2016
Piękny Kawaler, Greg
Robert Star, Bianca, David Oliwa
3 vs 2 Handicap Match
at KPW OldTown
Piękny Kawaler
Robert Star
KPW Championship Contendership Match
at KPW Arena 3
Piękny Kawaler
Ron Corvus
Singles Match
at KPW Arena 2
Kamil Aleksander
Piękny Kawaler
- No Contest
KPW Championship #1 Contender Match
at KPW Arena 1
Piękny Kawaler
David Oliwa
Singles Match
at KPW @ Gdynia Game Festival
Piękny Kawaler
Battle Royal
at KPW @ Gdynia Game Festival
Piękny Kawaler
Singles Match
at KPW @ Gdynia Game Festival
Team KPW: Piękny Kawaler
Team Hungary: Nitro
KPW vs Hungary Nations Cup Round 4 Falls Count Anywhere Match
at KPW vs the World: Hung(a)ry for Kombat
Kawaleria: Piękny Kawaler, Bianca, Greg
Boski Ostrowski, Mira, Kaszub
- ?
Mixed Six-Man Tag Team Match
at DDW @ Baltikon 2015
Piękny Kawaler
Boski Ostrowski
Singles Match
at DDW House Show #2
Piękny Kawaler
Three Way Match
at DDW House Show #1
Luxus, Piękny Kawaler
Kaszub, Robert Star
Singles Match
at DDW Wrestling Art
Piękny Kawaler
Don Roid
Singles Match
at DDW All Or Nothing II
Kamil Leśny, Luxus w/ Piękny Kawaler
Double G: GREG, Wielki G
Tag Team Match
at DDW Pokaz Adeptów
Piękny Kawaler
Robert Star
Singles Match
at DDW #9
Luxus, Piękny Kawaler
Mateusz Kowalski, Robert Star
Tag Team Match
at DDW Charity Event
Piękny Kawaler
Mateusz Kowalski
Singles Match
at DDW #8