PpW Open Fight Night 2015
Open Fight Night 2015 was the first of two events in the Open Fight Night series. It took place in a "steel cage", which was in fact a basketball court surrounded by a chain link fence. The idea of the OFN series was that anyone could challange anyone else.
The exact date of the event isn't known. The videos were uploaded on 13.03 and 23.03.2015; the first date was chosen for the purposes of this entry, but may not accurately reflect the acutual date(s) of the event. Judging by the differences in lighting, part 2 of the video was likely recorder on another day.
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- The fights took place on mattresses covered with an old carpet, placed on the grass.
- There was no referee; the three-count was done by camera operators.
- The second match took place after sunset in very low light. It appears as if the cameraman carried a flashlight aimed at the wrestlers.
- Johnny Blade won the fight by unmasking Black Tiger, who turned out to be Rob Scaffold (called in the video by his real name, Filip).
- Part 1 ends with a backstage footage of Rob Scaffold attacking Electrico on a staircase.
- Part 2 starts with Johnny Blade attacking a masked luchador in an underground garage; he removes his mask and adds it to his collection.
- During Hardy vs Automatico, a person can be seen outside of the "steel cage", walking a dog.
- Since Automatico hadn't challenged anyone, he decided to challange Jim Hardy after their fight, resulting in the same match-up twice.
- After his second fight with Jim Hardy, Automatico was attacked by Mister Z.
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Automatico (left) and Mister Z (right).
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The "steel cage".
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"Only cowards hide behind masks"
~Johnny Blade.
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