PTW #5: Gold Rush
Gold Rush was an event by PTW. It was announced as a "Season Finale", which suggested it's going to close some kind of chapter in PTW's history.
The event featured PTW's cast alongside foreign wrestlers from UK, USA, Germany and Italy, including former WWE performers Justin Gabriel (now as PJ Black), Evan Bourne (Matt Sydal, later canceled) and NXT UK's Nina Samuels. Heavily promoted was also the involvement of the former Maximum Male Models tag team, consisting of Mason Madden and Mansoor, who as of 2024 were touring the independent wrestling scene. Another name advertised was James Storm, known for his long tenure in TNA/Impact.
Polish celebrity and former boxer Marcin Najman was also expected to appear in some capacity, as the event was held in his hometown.
Build-up to the event
- PTW has been teasing the introduction of a singles championship belt for several months. The first champion is going to be crowned in a 20-man royal rumble at this event.
- Dziedzic defeated Disco Pablo and Renegade on PTW Underground 20, with each wrestler's tag team partners present and involved in the match.
- The day before the event, PTW posted on Facebook that Matt Sydal will not be performing due to unforeseen circumstances. In a video attached to that post, Sydal explained that this was due to passport issues. A replacement of his or higher caliber was announced, to be revealed at the event.
- The surprise, was however spoiled by Lince Dorado, who posted about a last-minute trip to Poland on his Instagram profile.
Toggle results
Scotty Rawk(c)
Speedball Mike Bailey
British Wrestling Revolution Championship
Diana Strong
Nina Samuels
"Starboy" Nano Lopez
No DQ Match
PJ Black
Lince Dorado
Budapest Bastards: Renegade, Nitro
PAKA: Taras, Disco Pablo and Sinister Kingdom: Sinister, Dziedzic and MxM Collection: Mansoor, Mason Madden
PTW Tag Team Championship
Marius Al-Ani
Sam Della Vale
PTW:WWA Championship
Segment: Legia Łysych: Olgierd, Marco Hammers, Karyna, Marcin Najman
Shaving Karyna's head, Najman's MMA promo
Dawid "Puncher" Seńko
Axel Fox and Marcelito and Jonny Storm and Cowboy James Storm and Marco Hammers and Diana Strong and Max Speed and Mutant and Karol "Iskra" Górski and Wiktor Longman and Sędzia Rafał and Santino and Erik Šlotíř and Olgierd and King Kaiden and Sambor and Spartan and TAXI Złotówa and Krampus and Arczi Czajka
PTW Championship
Gold Rush Rumble
Segment: Arkadiusz Pawłowski, Karolina (Pawłowski's real-life partner), Wiktor Longman, Bad Bones, Marcin "Rzeźnik" Rzeźniczek
Pawłowski's in-ring proposal
Speedball Mike Bailey vs Scotty Rawk(c)
British Wrestling Revolution Championship
Nina Samuels vs Diana Strong
"Starboy" Nano Lopez vs Krampus
No DQ Match
Lince Dorado vs PJ Black
Budapest Bastards: Renegade, Nitro vs MxM Collection: Mansoor, Mason Madden vs PAKA: Taras, Disco Pablo vs Sinister Kingdom: Sinister, Dziedzic
PTW Tag Team Championship
Marius Al-Ani vs Sam Della Vale
PTW:WWA Championship
Segment: Legia Łysych: Olgierd, Marco Hammers, Marcin Najman, Karyna
Shaving Karyna's head, Najman's MMA promo
Arczi Czajka vs Cowboy James Storm vs Axel Fox vs Dawid "Puncher" Seńko vs Diana Strong vs Erik Šlotíř vs Jonny Storm vs Karol "Iskra" Górski vs King Kaiden vs Krampus vs Marcelito vs Marco Hammers vs Max Speed vs Mutant vs Olgierd vs Sambor vs Santino vs Spartan vs Sędzia Rafał vs TAXI Złotówa vs Wiktor Longman
PTW Championship
Gold Rush Rumble
Segment: Karolina (Pawłowski's real-life partner), Arkadiusz Pawłowski, Bad Bones, Marcin "Rzeźnik" Rzeźniczek, Wiktor Longman
Pawłowski's in-ring proposal
Cast and crew
- Host, Ring Announcer, General Manager
- Arkadiusz Pawłowski
- Commentary
- Arek Paterek, Piotr "ShowOff" Małecki, Łukasz "Balik" Baliński
- Special Guest Commentary
- Andrzej Supron, Paweł "Boryss" Borkowski
- English Commentary
- Lewis Costello, Santino
- Referees
- Sędzia Klaudiusz, Sędzia Seweryn
- Speedball immediately won the Polish crowd's support. Delivered his signature fast kicks and running tornado kick.
- After the Nina vs Diana match, Pawłowski leaked plans to introduce a women's title.
- Nano was pinned, but managed to lift one shoulder for the three count. The ref initially awarded Krampus the victory, but as he was about to reverse this decision, Krampus decked him and kicked out of the ring. Sinister arrived to deliver more punishment to Lopez.
- Mario Pardua, a wrestler of Polish origin fighting in the Chicago area, introduced himself in a video clip. In Polish, he declared he's ready for Prime Time Wrestling. The crowd chanted CM-PUNK at him. Pawłowski added that Pardua is currently fighting for NWA, and that he's been signed to PTW.
- After Lince Dorado's entrance, Supron and Borkowski joined the Polish commentary team.
- Lince kicked out of the Styles clash, hitting the ref in the face with his feet. PJ Black hit the Placebo Effect to win.
- MxM received warmly by the audience, only to immediately turn heel and cut a promo calling them and the Polish language ugly. Cue chants of STFU.
- PAKA entered to Bonnie Tyler's Holding out for a hero. Coincidentally, the actual Bonnie Tyler was giving a concert in Poland the next day, Sunday Feb 4.
- MxM grabbed the win by Mason pinning Mansoor. However, Pawłowski was furious and ordered the match to continue.
- Marius Al-Ani retained the belt by submission.
- Legia Łysych (Marco hammers & Olgierd) entered the ring, Hammers holding an electric shaver. They summoned Karyna, their valet to the ring. Previously in a segment on PTW Underground, they declared that she'd have to shave bald to remain in Legia Łysych. Karyna was nowhere to be seen.
Looking for someone else to shave, they started calling out people in the audience, then grabbed a hapless referee to the crowd's disappointment. Then, Marcin Najman appeared and entered the ring. Excited, Legia invited him to join the faction, as he's already bald, and is known by El Testosteron. However, in order to join, he must start winning fights in MMA, a reference to his losing streak.
Najman took offense to this, referred to himself not as bald, but close cut and decked them with punches. Announced his upcoming fight against Murański at Clout MMA 4 on March 9.
- Pawłowski explained the Gold Rush Rumble rules: typical over-the-top rope elimination, but the final four can only eliminate by pinfall or submission.
- After the rumble, Puncher cut a promo, to be interrupted by Babatunde, an ex-WWE wrestler of Polish origin, now as Babathunder. Pawłowski announced him as signed to PTW.
- Pawłowski invited his fiancee Karolina, to do a proposal segment. Before he got his chance to bend the knee, Longman interrupted him.
- The screen showed a video recalling Rzeźniczak's kidnapping from PTW #4 Mystery, and revealing it was an elaborate ruse by Bones, Rzeżniczak and Longman who are scheming against Pawłowski. The surprised Arkadiusz confronted Longman calling him an idiot. Longman took offense, hit his boss with At Your Service, and closed the show by plugging the lottery.
Gold Rush Rumble entrances and eliminations
- Axel Fox
- Marcelito
- PTW Championship belt is unveiled
- Jonny Storm
- Cowboy James Storm
- Marco Hammers
- Diana Strong
- Diana eliminates Marco Hammers
- Max Speed
- Michał "Mutant" Świątkowski
- Mutant eliminates Max Speed
- Karol "Iskra" Górski fails to enter ring after getting beaten by Hammers and Max Speed
- Wiktor Longman
- Longman eliminates Diana
- Longman eliminates Mutant
- Bad Bones's music hits. Bones appears on screen and demands a title match from Pawłowski.
- Sędzia Rafał, who remains outside the ring
- Iskra enters the ring
- Cowboy James Storm eliminates Iskra
- Sędzia Rafał enters the ring
- Santino
- Santino eliminates Sędzia Rafał
- Longman eliminates Santino
- Erik Šlotíř
- Olgierd
- King Kaiden
- Longman eliminates Jonny Storm
- Kaiden eliminates Olgierd
- Outside the ring, Karyna enters and punches Olgierd
- Sambor
- Sambor eliminates Erik Šlotíř
- Longman eliminates Sambor
- Spartan
- Spartan eliminates Longman
- Taxi Złotówa
- Marcelito eliminates Złotówa
- Dawid "Puncher" Seńko
- Puncher eliminates Kaiden
- Krampus, enters the apron but not the ring
- Krampus eliminates Marcelito
- Nano Lopez appears with a bound Sinister, forces Krampus to exit the fight
- Arczi Czajka
- Puncher eliminates Arczi Czajka
- With the final four now in the ring, the Rumble became a Fatal Four-Way match.
- James Storm eliminates Spartan
- Axel Fox eliminates James Storm
- Puncher pins Axel Fox to win
Mutant was last seen in PTW on their very first event in 2021.
Taxi Złotówa was officially suspended by Pawłowski. Arczi Czajka is another character who made his debut at the first event, then showed on first two Underground events and disappeared.
Official poster. Pictured left to right: Renegade, Nitro, Mason Madden (back, wearing glasses), Taras (front, wearing red), Mansoor (back, with a beard), Disco Pablo (front, wearing blue), Dziedzic, Sinister.
Official PTW Facebook
Before the start of the show.
Ville Paananen