Prime Time Wrestling
Table of contents
The 2021 launch
The first show
Sponsorship dropped, name change
Fourth major show
Crisis and departures
Expansion into Austria
Pawłowski's solo run
New YouTube show: "Gruby temat"
The lottery
The prize draw
Post-Gold Rush crisis
More high-profile exits
Soft reboot: Ryucon, new co-owner
Post-Ryucon: New venue, PTW back on track
Final Underground, Pawłowski turns heel
Polish wrestling scene
Foreign relations
Other media
Internet presence
All-time roster
The 2021 launch
On June 28, 2021, Arkadiusz "Pan" Pawłowski, an experienced, yet polarizing figure on the Polish scene, announced the launch of his own wrestling promotion, promising "a new quality of entertainment".
He posted a trailer featuring himself and glimpses of various wrestlers.
Over the course of the summer, training events have been held and social media promotion continued.
Eventually, the organization announced it was going to hold their first official event in October (preceded by a smaller show closed to the public), and revealed the booked wrestlers.
These were both veterans of the Polish scene, as well as debuting Polish wrestlers and foreign guests.
The first show
This first show, titled PTW #1: REVOLUCJA, was met with positive response, even though some aspects were criticised.
Fans praised the starpower, production value and overall high-budget feel.
The criticism was focused on Pawłowski's character, who fans felt was overexposed, inviting influencers to hype up the show, blatantly aggressive sponsor ads, and the booking - with a significant imbalance of starpower and a DQ finish in the main event.
Most of the Polish talent on that show became cornerstones of PTW's roster, while some notably flopped.
TV personality and freak fighter Paweł "Trybson" Trybała, initially strongly booked as a non-wrestler entering the business, failed to ever make his PTW return.
The successful event was quickly followed by PTW announcing their Underground shows. The first one was held in the PTW Performance Center in Chorzów.
It kicked off a near-monthly series of events in 2022 and 2023: an Underground show on the last Sunday of each month, except when that weekend was already booked for the bigger (numbered) events.
Underground shows advanced storylines seen in these bigger events, but with significantly less starpower.
While initially only available to the live public, since Underground 4 they were also streamed live, first on FITE/TrillerTV and later YouTube as well.
The venue had limited capacity, which was cleverly used to make these events feel more exclusive, only for the most dedicated fans.
Continuing their strong entry into the scene, PTW started the year with the second Underground show
and quickly followed with PTW #2 Blackout, which was also well received.
This show had even more starpower than Revolucja, featuring debuts of well-known names like Joe Hendry, Marty Scurll, Matt Sydal and John "Bad Bones" Klinger.
Over the course of the year, PTW continued its steady pace, presenting the monthly Underground shows, and debuting at Ryucon, a manga-themed fan convention in Kraków.
The third major show, Legends, was the first one to be held outside Chorzów, in Warsaw.
Among other notable moments, it featured the first PTW women's match (outside the exclusive Underground shows), where Diana Strong competed against two former NXT-UK wrestlers, Xia Brookside and Myla Grace.
Also at this show, the IMPACT Digital Media Championship was defended, and Santino was named the kayfabe co-owner of PTW, leading to a long-standing feud between Bad Bones & Longman vs Pawłowski.
This show became part of a double-header weekend: on the day before, Warsaw's PpW Ewenement hosted their own event,
named Najlepsza Gala w Mieście (The Best Event In Town). This was seen as PpW playfully taking potshots at the rival organization.
Legends closed 2022 as PTW's last show of such ambition and scale, until 2024's Gold Rush.
Prior to the first event, on 21st of September 2021, Kinguin was announced as one of the sponsors, later becoming the titular sponsor, and was added to the promotion's logo.
Kinguin is a marketplace selling digital items, primarily game keys and in-game currency.
The Kinguin mascot became a regular part of the shows, and was even included in an angle with Taxi Złotówa at PTW #3 Legends.
Though Kinguin's departure was never officially announced, the titular sponsor was gradually dropped from PTW's branding over the spring/summer of 2023.
The last Facebook post featuring Kinguin PTW name was from 26th March 2023, a cover photo change announcing Underground 14.
Afterwards, none of the graphics for the show featured Kinguin in either logo or name.
Fourth major show
After closing 2022 with Legends, PTW continued to hold Underground shows.
Throughout the first half of the year, they continued at a monthly pace (except for January, which saw a double-header Underground weekend).
On June 25th in Wrocław, PTW held their 4th major show overall and the only one for 2023 - The Mystery.
This event saw the crowning of PAKA as the inaugural PTW Tag Team Champions, a storyline involving Bad Bones kidnapping Marcin Rzeźniczek, and the formation of what would later become The Sinister Kingdom.
Foreign starpower was significantly lower than in previous major shows, presumably due to titular sponsor dropping out.
This was also the first major PTW show to be put behind a paywall (the supporter functionality of YouTube; the first fight was available for free), with the live stream dropping out so often that it rendered the show unwatchable.
All these issues caused a lot of controversy, angering the fans who were demanding refunds - which PTW later granted in the form of free tickets and discounts for PTW's merchandise.
Crisis and departures
See also: PTW Exits: 2023.
After voicing their frustrations on social media, Rafi Rarytas, Gabriel Queen, Justin Joy and Samson were all removed from PTW's roster (see Justin's page for a series of screenshots from his social media where he addressed the situation).
In the beginning of 2024, Vic Golden was also quietly removed from the roster page.
Robert Star's departure went unannounced by the promotion, with his profile removed at some point between January and March 2024.
On February 12th, 2024, PTW commentary team member Piotr "ShowOff" Małecki announced an indefinite leave from PTW, citing burnout as a reason. Gradually, he severed his ties with the organization, first changing his Twitter/X bio entry to "ex-PTW commentator", and becoming increasingly critical towards the promotion.
Expansion into Austria
Throughout 2023, Krampus, in addition to his in-ring career in PTW, launched a wrestling promotion of his own: Wrestling World Austria (WWA).
The first set of tapings was announced for September 29th 2023, emanating from City Theater in Hallein, Austria. Among others, the show featured multiple talent from PTW.
On December 4th 2023, both PTW and WWA announced that WWA had now become a part of PTW.
The initial name for the this merged promotion was "PTW: WWA" (also stylized as "PTW presents: WWA"), but the organization soon adopted "PTW German" as their social media name. In addition to covering their own shows, this account reposted PTW's updates concerning events in Poland, but translated to German.
In February 2024, PTW held their fifth major event: Gold Rush, this time in Legionowo, in the Warsaw metropolitan area.
The Underground shows were also moved to a new location. Initially announced as Gliwice, a historical city in the west of the Silesian metropolis, the actual location turned to be a venue in the neighboring village of Kozłów, about 9 km west of the city.
This made the Underground shows far less accessible, and sparked some criticism.
They also lost their regularity, with only one being announced for April.
That event was followed by Total Blast From The Past in May.
Pawłowski's solo run
On Monday, March 11th 2024, Marcin "Rzeźnik" Rzeźniczek, co-owner of PTW, officially confirmed on his social media that he left PTW and Pawłowski remains the sole owner. Breaking kayfabe (a recent storyline from Gold Rush revealed him as the mastermind behind Bad Bones and Longman shenanigans), he wished his former partner, and everyone in PTW, the best of luck conquering the Polish and world wrestling scenes, and fondly recalled his time in PTW.
New YouTube show: "Gruby temat"
In March 2024, PTW launched a new format on YouTube, titled "Gruby Temat" (Fat Topic - jokingly referring to Pawłowski's rather large size), with Pawłowski and Kacper "Ludwiczek" Bociański as hosts, and one special guest for each episode. While Ludwiczek was not previously affiliated with wrestling, he was an MMA fighter on Poland's freak fight scene.
The first guest of this new show was Marcel Gawroński, a popular TikToker who covers Poland's freak fight scene.
Another episode featured PTW's own Puncher, while Polish boxer and UFC women's champion Joanna Jędrzejczyk was the guest in episode 3.
The format of this show was mostly an interview with the guest, including questions from the audience asked via chat.
The lottery
At the Gold Rush event, Pawłowski revealed a new promotional scheme for PTW: a 2012 Nissan GTR car, the grand prize to be won in a lottery. To circumvent the legal age requirement, lottery tickets were not sold directly. Instead, fans were encouraged to purchase an ebook, which came with a free ticket. These ebooks were short PDF documents (e.g. "PTW Revolucja" at 16 pages), including results from PTW shows, photos and a short narrative. It was apparent that they were not supposed to provide any useful content, but rather serve as a legal means for distributing lottery tickets. The car was claimed to be worth 600.000 PLN, or about 140.000 EUR at the time.
In the following months leading to Underground 21 and Total Blast From The Past, Pawłowski promoted the lottery heavily on social media and in collaboration with various online personalities, most of whom had no prior connection with wrestling; one such personality was Ludwiczek, the co-host of Gruby Temat at that time.
Immediately after Underground 21, PTW's social media accounts continued to focus solely on the lottery, while promoting the next major show took a distant second place, restricting itself to revealing the card in a series of posts.
The organization cared so little for promoting its own show that it did not even try managing the accidental reveal of the full match card, which was leaked on the WrestleFans forum before PTW revealed the final match themselves.
The leak was accidentally posted by a WrestleFans newsman Piotr "Sabinq" Gilewski. Taras called him out on the mistake on Twitter/X, and in turn revealed that he also was on a lengthy break from PTW, although officially not released yet.
The prize draw
On Sunday, May 12th, PTW held the lottery's prize draw on a YouTube live stream.
Despite PTW's stated goal of providing entertainment for the whole family, this show included controversial guests: Stonoga and the cast of Królowe Życia ("The Queens of Life") reality show, spouting distasteful, sexually-charged jokes.
The lottery's overseeing committee was never shown by the cameras. The lottery failed to achieve its desired goal of popularising PTW - some prize winners, who were called on the phone live as per the lottery's regulations, had no idea who called them and why, and did not recognize the names Pawłowski or PTW. After it was finished, the prize draw show quickly went private on YouTube, and other lottery-related materials started to disappear from the Internet (eventually including the lottery website).
Post-Gold Rush crisis
Main article: PTW's 2024 crisis
Between the two major shows in 2024, PTW lost a lot of credibility among wrestling fans, and saw many of its talent leave, dissatisfied at the organization and losing faith in the product.
This was caused by the failures of their new marketing strategy, seemingly distancing itself from wrestling as the core product, and betting heavily on influencer appeal instead.
More high-profile exits
See also: PTW Exits: 2024.
Right after PTW #6, long-time PTW commentator Arkadiusz Paterek confirmed his departure in a tweet.
Two weeks later, on a YouTube live stream, commentator Łukasz Baliński also announced his resignation.
On May 31st, PTW wrestler Dziedzic appeared on the first episode of "No Gimmick Zone", discussing various backstage topics in a shoot-style interview. This led to rumors of his release just two days after, which was confirmed by Dziedzic announcing his departure from PTW that same week.
After some teasing on his Instagram Stories, Sinister confirmed the speculations as well. On Wednesday, June 5th 2024, he shared a farewell post of his own.
Shortly after that, referee Seweryn also confirmed his departure on his Instagram story.
On June 6th Boro added a set of stories on Instagram, titled "PTW Last Dance", which was an obvious farewell.
Michał "Mutant" Świątkowski, an inactive PTW wrestler who got shelved just after his return at Gold Rush, seemingly confirmed his exit through Instagram stories.
On June 8th, Legia Łysych, a tag team consisting of Marco Hammers and Olgierd, who never announced leaving PTW, made their surprise debut for PpW at Ledwo Legalne IV.
On June 9th, Sambor posted a black and white photo of himself and his valet Rusałka on his Instagram profile. This was also interpreted as his exit from PTW.
On Thursday June 13th, PTW has taken down the roster section of their page.
In a Twitch stream on June 25th Pawłowski confirmed that Axel Fox, a popular babyface, had also quit the organization. This was the first time this info was shared, as Axel himself had not revealed it before.
Soft reboot: Ryucon, new co-owner
Breaking the silence, Pawłowski promised that the Ryucon show will be a new opening for PTW.
The non-televised show included many new faces, both from PTW Academy and foreign free agents.
During the show, Łukasz Okoński, the owner of Dworek Pod Platanem where Underground 21 was held, was announced as PTW's new co-owner.
This change was not reflected in official registration documents (as of August 21, 2024), where Pawłowski remains the sole shareholder and director of PTW's commercial entity, and the sole board member of PTW's other legal entity, a non-profit association.
Nevertheless, Okoński's increased involvement was noticeable, as he was actively promoting PTW on social media. Renamed Łukasz "Prezes" Okoński, he gradually increased his presence, appearing on virtually every show and taking part in segments.
On August 14, 2024, PTW launched their new show, "Czas na Wrestling" (Time for Wrestling) on a local Silesian TV station, TVT. It is hosted by Pawłowski, who typically interviews a single PTW roster/personnel member, talking various wrestling/PTW related topics and plugging future shows. Some of the episodes are hosted by TVT on their webpage. The first episode featured a panel where Pawłowski led the discussion with two guests: Łukasz Okoński, who commented on his increased involvement, and Spartan who was asked mostly about the technical aspects of wrestling.
Post-Ryucon: New venue, PTW back on track
PTW's third Ryucon show also saw the announcement of PTW Summer Camp, culminating with another show, once again held in Kozłów, which now appeared to be PTW's new base of operations.
In September, PTW held their first ever charity show, Walczymy Dla Fundacji. More Undergrounds for every remaining month of 2024 have been scheduled, although the shows are not aired live as previously, but rather taped with a promise of later release.
Once again, PTW returned the format of live Q&A for YouTube supporters. The revamped show saw Krystian "Resivny" Smoleń replacing ShowOff as the host. Resivny was also confirmed to be the third member of the new commentary team.
On 17.10.2024 PTW announced that their shows would air on television, on Extreme Sports Channel. The first show to air would be PTW #1: REVOLUCJA, set to broadcast on 27.10.2024.
Final Underground, Pawłowski turns heel
Underground 25 saw two seismic shifts. In the opening segment, Pawłowski confirmed that the show would be the final PTW Underground. To commemorate this series of events, a tournament would be held where the inaugural PTW Underground Champion would be crowned.
In the main event, featuring Puncher defending his PTW Championship against Spartan, Pawłowski shocked the audience by attacking Spartan with a chair, which allowed Puncher to retain - thus turning heel for the first time since his DDW run. Ever since, Pawłowski has dropped his gracious persona and heavily increased his social media presence, going into arguments with "haters" whom he refers to as "basement-dwellers" (piwniczaki).
In another argument in the comment section of the PTW Facebook page, Okoński clarified the extent of his involvement in the promotion, declaring he "put 350 000 PLN (roughly 82 000 EUR, 68 000 GBP or 85 000 USD) into PTW".
On 11.01.2025 PTW posted a reminder about the upcoming Nowe Porządki. In one of the comments below this post a company called Event Production, responsible for the production of Total Blast from the Past, wrote "As a part of the new order, can we count on settling the old debts?", suggesting that PTW still owes them money for their last big show. A fan responded to their post saying that PTW is penniless and sells very few tickets. In the ensuing discussion, Pawłowski and Okoński declared that PTW is in a good condition financially. The event company confirmed that they produced Gold Rush as well.
Polish wrestling scene
PTW's initial roster was built from wrestlers previously appearing in MZW, KPW, MCW or PpW, however PTW itself is known for its lack of interaction with other federations in Poland.
Talent were strictly prohibited from appearing in any other Polish rings, and any form of cooperation, either as a performer or in a backstage role, resulted in "firing" from PTW.
One early example of that is Jacob Crane, ostensibly fired for "damaging the organization's image".
That fact was one of the key factors leading to most of the PTW exits, where the talent wanted to have more freedom and to be able to take bookings from other Polish organizations.
This is similar to KPW's approach. Fans theorize that this isolationist attitude was inherited from Don Roid's DDW, where Pawłowski learned the ropes. Their attitude towards "backyards" like PpW is also shared with KPW and DDW.
Pawłowski made an appearance on Marcin Najman's "Oryginalne Zero" YouTube channel in a video titled "The Whole Truth About Polish Wrestling", which prompted further controversy on the Polish scene. Asked if he's the only wrestling promoter in Poland, Pawłowski claimed that he is the only professional one, acknowledging the competition but calling them "more or less amateur projects". This prompted an impassioned response from the ex-wrestler and current KPW promoter Piękny Kawaler, who made a lengthy Facebook post addressing the remarks. Kawaler claimed that Pawłowski was fired from KPW due to being a self-centered mark, focusing on promoting his own persona instead of team effort. He said that the current state of PTW is more resembling of a backyard than a professional wrestling federation. The post got a lot of agreeing comments from Polish wrestlers, current and former, from all sides of Polish scene: David Oliwa, Bianca, Olgierd, Boro, Eryk Lesak, Referee Seweryn, Michał Fux, Chris Hunter and Kamil Aleksander.
In a live interview for MyWrestling, Pawłowski doubled down on his statements. He responded to Piękny Kawaler, revealing some dirt on him, calling him a pussy, ridiculing his height and lack of courage. According to Pawłowski, Kawaler had always wanted to downsize KPW, because larger shows would equal more work. He also accused Kawaler of being unstable and carrying a gun to fend off imaginary goons sent by Pawłowski. Pawłowski stated that Kawaler minimised Pawłowski's involvement in the promotion by reducing his role to just hosting shows and announcing fights. This led to an increasing disagreement between Pawłowski and Kawaler, so Pawłowski tried to sever ties with KPW as amicably as possible, however Kawaler had blindsided him by firing Pawłowski just a day before his scheduled appearance at Arena 14. Despite this, Pawłowski started his new promotion in Silesia to avoid directly competing with KPW. He reiterated his belief that PTW is the first Polish professional promotion and their competition is more or less amateurish. In hindsight he also does not see KPW and DDW as pro, though he admitted that he'd seen these projects as professional at the time he was involved.
Asked about overdue payments for Total Blast From the Past, which saw many competitors leave soon thereafter, Pawłowski changed his narrative about PTW debts. In his prior appearance for Kanał Zero he'd promised to pay off all the debts that PTW has. Now he alleged there were never any debts, except for PTW ex-wrestlers owing the promotion money for training. However, he chose to graciously absolve them from this debt to avoid any further contact with them.
Asked about Legacy of Wrestling, he claimed there were no attempts to invite PTW competitors. Multiple insiders in the chat confirmed otherwise, so Pawłowski proceeded to explain that the only way to invite a PTW competitor to other show is through the promoter, as they are contracted performers. When asked by a person in the chat whether El Homo led on a chain by a half-naked woman at Underground 25 was in line with the family friendly approach chosen by PTW, he responded that this was entirely Prezes Okoński's idea, which Pawłowski didn't entirely like, but it did achieve the goal of getting people talking. He promptly followed this by stating that he'd wish PTW fans weren't idiots (debile), because then they'd be able to "make cool, intelligent content for cool, intelligent people".
Foreign relations
One of the main selling points of PTW, differentiating them from their competition, were sponsors, an actual budget and the ability to bring in a lot of pro wrestlers from abroad.
At PTW 3: Legends it was announced that Santino Marella, former long-time WWE star, would become one of the organization's co-owners.
This, however, was only a short-lived storyline angle lacking any real payoff, leaving fans confused when Santino made his return at PTW 5: Gold Rush only as an English-language commentator, and suprise entrant in the Gold Rush Rumble.
Later, PTW entered into collaboration with Austrian wrestler Krampus and his new organization, World Wrestling Austria.
It was quickly renamed to PTW: WWA and became a de facto "sister federation" ran by Krampus with assistance from Pawłowski.
This cooperation allowed PTW talent to be booked at the PTW: WWA show on 2024-01-05.
See the Expansion into Austria section above.
PTW also entered a deal with British Revolution Wrestling (BWR), which allowed BWR Champion Scotty Rawk to defend his championship in PTW. In return, Diana Strong and Puncher were booked at one of BWR's shows in the UK. These appearances never came to fruition, however Puncher confirmed, on a livestream by Istota Wrestlingu, that the deal is still on.
In the early September 2024, PTW announced they'd be sending a team of wrestlers to Botte da Bestya 2, an event by the Italian organization ICW happening on September 15, 2024. This team consisted of foreign wrestlers Iva Kolasky and Luca Bjorn, plus Polish PTW talent: Pawłowski and Puncher, who defended his championship.
One remarkable deal between PTW and a bigger promotion was an agreement with Impact Wrestling, for Joe Hendry to defend his Digital Media Championship against Trent Seven at Legends.
PTW's talent made an appearance in Young Multi's video for the song "AK47".
The video features Pawłowski giving a pep-talk to Multi and his band, as well as scenes of PTW wrestlers hitting their moves in the ring, intercut with clips of the band.
Pawłowski is credited as the director of fighting scenes, which were recorded in Kozłów, where their new Performance Center is located.
Featured in the video are Puncher, Spartan, Miyagi Shida and Diana Strong.
Internet presence
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All-time roster
Marcin Rzeźniczek announcing his departure from PTW
Sabinq from Wrestlefans realising he leaked a match. Further down, Taras admits to being on a break from the ring.
Taras seemingly happy that he is no longer part of "this circus".
Jakub Tyczyński accusing Taras of ratting out other wrestlers to boss Pawłowski. Jacob Crane is named for holding an exhausting training session, and Axel Fox for some crude humor during training. Also mocking his debut victory over Tischer, as something that the entire German scene supposedly derides.
PTW's public Facebook group
Arek Roter criticizes that a 10-year old car is pushed way more than any wrestler in PTW. Taras declares he's done with wrestling for the time.
Sabinq from Wrestlefans declaring he know nothing about Stonoga's involvement, and dropping out of collaboration with PTW.
Zbigniew Stonoga posing outside of a McDonalds kids playground, with "fans" wearing PpW merchandise. Except one, these fans are PpW wrestlers and personnel.
Gazeta Stonoga's Facebook page
Group post re-sharing Stonoga's announcement. The comment mocks people who spent their own money on the show. The bottom popup text is an alert that the post was removed.
PTW's public Facebook Group
Kacper "Ludwiczek" Bociański next to Baba-thunder. The post promotes Total Blast From The Past and the lottery.
Instagram profile @ludwiczek_top
Anonymous post on the PTW Fan group, mockingly asking for at least 3 matches on the upcoming Ryucon show, and wishing well to Dziedzic, Marcelito and Sinister.
Facebook PTW Grupa Fanów
Puncher's Instagram post stating 'Chapter closed', which spurred rumors about his exit.
Instagram @ptwpuncher
Puncher's long letter, page 1: meeting Pawłowski, training.
Twitter @PuncherShow
Puncher's long letter, page 2: honing his skills, first PTW events, sleeping in the ring.
Twitter @PuncherShow
Puncher's long letter, page 3: anonymous accusations, the lottery flop.
Twitter @PuncherShow
Sambor thanking the fans, organization and Pawłowski for support. The text states that his time in wrestling is not over, and his story will be told in many taverns.
Marco Hammers feuding online with Vincent Caravaggio, three days before his surprise debut for PpW. He links to Kornel Tomicki's (Vincent's real name) site, where prior to his wrestling career, Tomicki offered coaching, prominently promising successful dating.
Facebook Marco Hammers
Kacper "Ludwiczek" Bociański and Zbigniew Stonoga, in front of the lottery grand prize Nissan GTR. They building in the background is located in Warsaw's old town, next to Piłsudski Square.
Instagram profile @ludwiczek_top
Ludwiczek's instagram post. In the comments, several PTW personalities point out the author's hypocrisy.
Instagram profile @ludwiczek_top
Discussion under Ludwiczek's instagram post. He criticizes the organization, its "mouldy" ring, and writes about "protecting the lottery".
Instagram profile @ludwiczek_top
Further discussion under Ludwiczek's instagram post. Pawłowski is called a manipulator who keeps pretending he's the victim of circumstances. Former PTW wrestler Justin Joy (as oski_ninja) praises Ludwiczek for talking sense, while Samson wants a match against Pawłowski.
ICW's poster advertising Botte da Bestya 2. Near the bottom are Iva Kolasky and Puncher. Luca Bjorn, who also appeared for PTW is first in the second row.
Post by Piękny Kawaler responding to statements made by Arkadiusz Pawłowski on Marcin Najman's YouTube channel, with comments by fans and other wrestlers.
Piękny Kawaler @ Facebook
Comment by Łukasz Okoński regarding his financial input into PTW.
Official PTW Facebook
PTW's roster page prior to being taken down.
Screenshot from a January 2025 post. In the highlighted comment, the producers of PTW #6 ask about the money they're owed.
Official PTW Facebook