Table of contents
Basic info
Professional wrestling career
Prime Time Wrestling (2022-)
Other ventures
In wrestling
Krampus is an Austrian wrestler best known for his time in Prime Time Wrestling.
Basic info
- Years active: 2011-present
- Gimmicks/nicknames:
- Trained by:
Professional wrestling career
Prime Time Wrestling (2022-)
Krampus made his first appearance on the Polish wrestling scene in Prime Time Wrestling, at their second Underground show.
From the start, he was portrayed as a villainous powerhouse with a dark gimmick inspired by an Alpine folklore character: Krampus.
From his debut onwards he kept a winning streak over wrestlers such as Jacob Crane, Gabriel Queen and Marty Scurll.
Sinister Kingdom
At PTW #3: Legends Krampus was involved in a Last Man Standing Match between Sinister and Nano Lopez.
Krampus attacked Nano and put him through the commentary table, allowing Sinister to score a victory. After that, the Austrian powerhouse bowed to Sinister, joining him as an enforcer.
After defeating Peter Tihanyi at PTW #4: The Mystery, Krampus helped Sinister to recruit another acolyte to Sinister Kingdom: Syriusz Dziedzic.
He then continued to aid Sinister in his ventures, most notably in a rivalry against Nano Lopez. The Spanish wrestler had the opportunity to face Krampus in a Singles Match at PTW #5: Gold Rush, but was unable to defeat him. At the same show, Krampus was set to enter the Gold Rush Rumble, but was prevented from doing so by Nano, who attacked and abducted Sinister, forcing Krampus to forfeit his Rumble appearance and chase after his master.
At PTW #6: Total Blast From The Past Krampus and Dziedzic got involved in a main event between Puncher and Babathunder, where they attacked both competitors and caused the match to be ruled as no-contest. This angle was perceived very negatively by the fans, adding another issue to an already criticised show. Ultimately, after Total Blast and PTW's huge talent exodus, which included Dziedzic and Sinister, the angle was scrapped.
Return to singles competition
After losing his stable, Krampus returned to singles competition in PTW, working a part-time schedule. He made an appearance at the Walczymy Dla Fundacji charity show. He defeated Newt Nova and Erik Å lotÃÅ™ in a Triple Threat Match.
Other ventures
Besides his appearances in Prime Time Wrestling, Krampus was also the booker of World Wrestling Austria (WWA) project, which was active from September 2023 to October 2024.
They managed to produce three events and ensure a partnership with PTW itself, which led to WWA's conversion into PTW:WWA - a "sister promotion" of the Polish federation.
They even promoted their own PTW:WWA Championship and PTW:WWA Tag Team Championship. The first one was won by Puncher, who defeated Marius Al-Ani. After PTW:WWA's third show the Austrian organization went silent on social media, and ceased promoting new shows.
In wrestling
- Finishers:
- Tag Teams and stables:
- Sinister Kingdom (2022-2024)
- Entrance music:
- "Krampus Theme" by Stereo Theater
Photos from events
Official poster. Left to right: Santino, Tristan Archer, Matt Sydal, Chris Masters, Nick Aldis, Puncher, Sinister, Justin Joy, Krampus.
From: PTW #2: BlackOut
Official PTW Facebook
Official poster.
Pictured left to right, in the top row: Nano Lopez, Taras,
Bad Bones, Sinister;
in the bottom row: Robert Star, Axel Fox,
Mike D. Vecchio, Krampus, Syriusz Dziedzic, Justin Joy.
From: PTW X RyuCon 2022
Official PTW Facebook
Promotional image: Krampus vs Mike D. Vecchio
From: PTW X RyuCon 2022
Official PTW Facebook
Official poster. On the top is Pawłowski.
The wrestlers are: Rust, Vincent Caravaggio, Puncher,
Diana Strong, Nano Lopez,
Krampus and Spartan.
From: PTW Walczymy Dla Fundacji
Official PTW Facebook
Appearances per promotion and year
Matches and segments