PTW Underground 23: Halloweenowy Łomot
Underground 23 was an event by Prime Time Wrestling held on Saturday, October 19th, 2024. The venue was Dworek Pod Platanem in Kozłów - PTW's main wrestling venue and training facility.
This Underground's name - "Halloweenowy Łomot", which can be loosely translated as "Halloween Bash" - implied a Halloween theme to the event, which was visible in promotional materials publicized on PTW's social media, as well as in decorations at the venue and the performers' entrances.
According to Istota Wrestlingu, who attended the event in person, the overall attendance at the show was approximately 50 people - including friends and families of the performers, which was visible and audible due to fact that the venue at Kozłów can hold at least 150-200 people in the audience.
Debuting for PTW at this show were:
- Russian wrestler Serg Sullivan, former champion of Moscow-based НРФ (NRF), currently living in Poland
- Estonian Mikk Vainula, with several appearances in Finland for FCF and SLAM!
- Hungarian wrestler Reyca, who already faced Diana in a four-way at WXW
- Northern Irish veteran Tucker, with several matches in NXT UK under his belt
Toggle results
Cast and crew
- Host, Ring Announcer, General Manager
- Arkadiusz Pawłowski
- Referees
- Sędzia Klaudiusz, Sędzia Herno
- The show starts with Pawłowski warming up the crowd with recaping the card for the event, as well as using his classic "Prime Time Wrrrrrrrestling!", and "CZY JESTEŚCIE GOTOWI?!" (ARE YOU READY?!) catchphrases. Noticing one of the signs in the crowd saying "PTW EXTREME", he also promotes the new cooperation between PTW and Extreme Sports Channel, which will be airing PTW shows on TV.
- After Referee Klaudiusz enters the ring, Pawłowski announces the first match of the night.
Vincent Caravaggio vs "Starboy" Nano Lopez
- First to the ring comes "The Modern Aristocrat" Vincent Caravaggio, who is booed and flipped off by the crowd. After forcing the referee into assisting him during his entrance, and a couple of sarcastic comments from Pawłowski towards Vincent, he cuts a short promo.
- Vincent talks about scoring his fifth victory after he beats Nano Lopez, all the while mocking both his opponent and the crowd, which results in the crowd booing him and chanting "wieśniak" (peasant).
- Nano Lopez makes his entrance. While milking pop by mocking Caravaggio, he gets jumped by his opponent while still standing on top of the turnbuckle before the bell rang.
- After about five minutes of the match, Referee Klaudiusz gets caught in the crossfire, when the cornered Vincent shields himself against the charging Nano with the ref's body. Klaudiusz lays against the ropes, while Nano counters Vincent's finisher into his "Last Plane to Spain", but the unresponsive Klaudiusz won't make a count.
- While Lopez is trying to get the referee's attention, Vincent makes a recovery and uses his cup of beverage hidden by the ringside to hit Nano with mist, to secure a victory by rollup.
- Winner: Vincent Caravaggio by pinfall.
- Vincent exits the ring, leaving Nano defeated but standing tall for the crowd.
"The Hidden Gem" Erik Slotir vs Miyagi Shida
- Match is again refereed by Klaudiusz.
- Erik Slotir makes his heelish entrance first.
- Miyagi Shida makes his entrance while wearing a mask of Ghostface from the "Scream" movie franchise.
- After around six minutes of in-ring action, Erik secures a pinfall victory after hitting Shida with a top-rope Elbow Drop.
- Winner: Erik Slotir by pinfall.
- Similarly to the previous match, as well as many prior PTW shows, the defeated babyface again leaves the ring standing tall, being hyped up by Pawłowski.
Luca Bjorn vs Max Speed
- As the performers make their entrances, the staff sets up a table with Halloween decorations and a bowl of fruit punch by the ringside.
- Luca Bjorn makes his entrance first.
- Max Speed makes his entrance, during which he comes back to backstage area to bring a skull mask, as well as a chain and a Halloween-themed kendo stick to the fight.
- Fight once again starts with an attack before the bell and lasts for about 10 minutes of both in-ring and ringside action.
- During the match Max starts to bleed slightly from his forehead.
- Max Speed teases a pouch filled with hard candy in a similar fashion to thumbtacks/glass/LEGO bricks. Luca Bjorn's partner then intervenes in the fight, but his attack on Speed is repelled by Spartan, which allows Max to hit Luca Bjorn with a Superkick while wearing the chain on his leg.
- Winner: Max Speed by pinfall.
- After the match Pawłowski enters the ring and announces that Max Speed will be provided with an oportunity to challenge Puncher for WWA Championship at PTW:WWA show in Austria.
- Arkadiusz Pawłowski, Spartan and Max Speed celebrate with a wild dance competition to mark the break in the show.
The Brave Show - episode 1
- The second part of the show starts with Alex Brave making his entrance accompanied by an unknown redheaded female. They both wear LED masks similar to those used in "The Purge" horror movie franchise.
- After announcing his segment, Brave harshly dismisses his valet and introduces his first guest: Vincent Caravaggio.
- Vincent and Alex praise each other for around eight minutes, much to the crowd's disapproval. They also mock other talent backstage.
- The Brave Show is interrupted by Max Speed and Miyagi Shida. Vincent flees from the ring, leaving Alex vulnerable to a beatdown from the babyfaces.
Reyca vs Diana Strong
- Hungarian pro-wrestler Reyca makes her PTW debut as a heel, mocking the public during her entrance.
- Diana Strong makes her entrance dressed up as Harley Quinn (as portrayed by Margot Robbie in "Suicide Squad") holding a baseball bat.
- Before the bell rings, Arkadiusz Pawłowski introduces a brand new referee - Sędzia Herno.
- The match lasts for about 11 minutes, ending with the victory of the local hero - Diana Strong.
- Winner: Diana Strong by pinfall.
Mikk Vainula vs Rust vs Serg Sullivan
- Pawłowski announces "International Showcase Triple Threat Match" - all three of the contestants are foreginers, including two who make their PTW debuts.
- The contestants are: Rust from Italy, Serg Sullivan from Russia and Mikk Vainula from Estonia.
- The match lasts around seven minutes and ends with Rust's flash pinfall victory on Mikk Vainula.
- Winner: Rust by pinfall.
Auction segment
- Pawłowski annouces Prezes Łukasz, who makes his dancing entrance to the ring.
- Pawłowski then proceeds to promote the "Nadzieja Dzieci" (Children's Hope) charity foundation. He then hosts an auction with the prize of a PTW T-shirt with the PTW roster's signatures.
- The T-shirt is sold for 300 PLN (approx. 69 EUR, 57 GBP or 74 USD) to one of the crowd members.
Tucker vs Dawid "Puncher" Seńko
- Tucker makes his face entrance first, recieving positive reactions from the crowd.
- Pawłowski announces Dawid "Puncher" Seńko as the "moral compass of Polish wrestling".
- Puncher proceeds to cut a promo before the match. While he is asserting his dominance in the promo, Tucker goes to the crowd to recieve a translated description of Puncher's promo from a fan.
- The match lasts for about 14 minutes of in-ring action. Puncher secures a win after countering Tucker's aerial move and hitting his own finisher on the ex-NXT UK superstar.
- Winner: Puncher by pinfall.
- Despite losing, Tucker is cheered by the crowd.
- Pawłowski thanks the crowd for being at the show and supporting PTW. He also invites everyone to the upcoming PTW shows as well as to the post-show afterparty.
Official poster. Pictured are: Diana Strong, Puncher, Rust, "Starboy" Nano Lopez, Vincent Caravaggio, Arkadiusz Pawłowski and Łukasz Okoński.
Official PTW Facebook
Erik Šlotíř
Ville Paananen
Miyagi Shida, wearing a Ghostface mask.
Ville Paananen
Erik Šlotíř slams Miyagi Shida; Sędzia Klaudiusz is in the background.
Ville Paananen
Max Speed puts Luca Bjorn through the table.
Ville Paananen
Max Speed wins!
Ville Paananen
Alex Brave and his mystery valet.
Ville Paananen
Ville Paananen
Diana Strong.
Ville Paananen
Diana Strong bodyslams Reyca.
Ville Paananen
Ville Paananen
Serg Sullivan.
Ville Paananen
Mikk Vainula.
Ville Paananen
Mikk Vainula slams Serg Sullivan; Rust is on his knees; Sędzia Herno in the background.
Ville Paananen
Mikk Vainula throws Rust.
Ville Paananen
Tucker on the second rope.
Ville Paananen
Dawid "Puncher" Seńko presents his belts; Tucker, Arkadiusz Pawłowski and Sędzia Herno observe
Ville Paananen
Puncher slams Tucker.
Ville Paananen
Tucker drops onto Puncher.
Ville Paananen