Justin Joy
Table of contents
2021-2023: Ninja Warrior Poland
2022-2023: PTW
Championships and accomplishments
2021-2023: Ninja Warrior Poland
Under his real name Oskar Haracz, he entered Ninja Warrior Poland, a sports reality show where contestants face a difficult obstacle course. Starting in Season 3, he entered the elimination round but failed to complete the course. Later in season 6, he was one of the finalists, and completed the first final stage. In 2023 he also entered the 8th edition, but failed to qualify.
2022-2023: PTW
Justin was one of the MZW wrestlers who chose to join the new Prime Time Wrestling, debuting at PTW Underground 3. He had a brief feud with Axel Fox, which culminated with the two real-life friends mending fences and joining forces to take part in the inaugural Tag Team Championship tournament.
Later in 2023, when PTW held a show in Wrocław, Justin's usual turf, he was nowhere on the card. In the build-up to the next major show, various wrestlers, Justin among them, started to voice their frustration with PTW's owner and GM Arkadiusz Pawłowski on social media. This resulted in many of them getting silently removed from the organization's roster.
Justin organized a Q&A on his Instagram profile, and posted a number of instastories, answering fan's questions, and explaining his departure and sour relations with the organization.
Since then, he had no wrestling matches, preferring to concentrate on his activities as a trainer, and returning to Ninja Warrior once more.
Championships and accomplishments
Justin explains his quiet exit. Background: PTW's dismissal of Jacob Crane
LEGENDS was the breaking point. Background: Joy winning over Axel Fox at that event.
Justin is done fighting abroad, wants to follow the money. Background: Joy winning the NSW National title in Dresden.
Addressing PpW's image issues. Background: Joy vs Axel Fox at LEGENDS.
Justin's most positive thing in PTW was his friend Axel Fox. Background: Fox hugging Joy.
No kayfabe needed. Background: A PTW Underground show.
The drama that happened has acumulated over the years. Background: Joy vs Nitro at PTW Underground 3
Too many promises were made. Background: Joy and Fox at a PTW Underground show.
Everything was public, but not all was sunshine and rainbows. Background: crowd at a PTW Underground show, holding a banner that reads 'I spit at Joy'
Everything can be a storyline. Background: Fox receives a birthday cake, at ringside with fans present.
Pawłowski burning bridges with Joy. Background: social media apps showing now-missing friend and follower status between Joy and Pawłowski.
Joy is on a hiatus and focusing on Ninja (Ninja Warrior TV show). Background: Fox being rolled up at a PTW Underground show.
Joy will not return at Gold Rush, negotiations are over. Background: Joy stares down Fox at Ryucon 2022
Joy quit DDW because MZW required less travel. Background: Joy vs Shadow at MZW Champions War II
Quitting because PTW stagnated or maybe even regressed, and did not pay enough.
Will PTW stagnate even more? Background: Joy's entrance at Ryucon
Pawłowski is responsible for the uninspired booking. Background: Joy and Pawłowski at a PTW Underground show.
When did 'break' become 'sayonara'? Background: Joy handing over his headband to Fox at a PTW underground show.
The wrestling scene in Poland may have already peaked. Background: Joy pinning Nitro at PTW Underground 3.
Is PTW declining, are the audience numbers dropping? Joy thinks PTW failed to use Kinguin's sponsorship well. Background: Joy's entrance at a PTW Underground show.
What about you and Fox? Return to PTW unlikely. Background: Fox and Joy enjoying pizza.
Photos from events
Show poster featuring Patriota, Kowboj Luke, Justin Joy and Shadow.
From: MZW Pokaz Adeptów
Official MZW Facebook
Show poster. Pictured from left to right are:
Jędruś Bułecka, Justin Joy, Kowboj Luke,
Robert Kaiser, Shadow and Kevin Williams.
From: MZW in Smolec
Show poster. Pictured wrestlers are: Shadow, Kowboj Luke, Jędruś Bułecka, Rick Baxxter, Justin Joy, Franz Engel.
From: MZW Wakacyjny Slam
Facebook @ManiacZoneWrestling
Image announcing the match. Left to right: Shadow, Patriota, Justin Joy.
From: MZW @ Fenix Boxing Night
Jędruś Bułecka @ Facebook
Official poster, showing Hexia, Kowboj Luke, Shadow, Polish Hammer and Justin Joy.
From: MZW Charity Show 2015
Facebook @GosirGlucholazy
Official poster. Pictured are: Justin Joy, Szymon Siwiec, Jędruś Bułecka, Asmund, Red Thunder and Shadow.
From: MZW Pre-War
Show poster.
Top row: Szymon Siwiec, Hexia, Kevin Williams, Robert Kaiser, Rick Baxxter, Jędruś Bułecka, Asmund.
Bottom row: Ilja Dragunov, Shadow, Red Thunder, Justin Joy, Stanisław Van Dobroniak.
From: MZW Champions War
Official poster, featuring Jędruś Bułecka, Justin Joy, Red Thunder, Szymon Siwiec and Shadow.
From: MZW @ Bieg WOP-isty
Jędruś Bułecka @ Facebook
Official poster, picturing Justin Joy and Shadow.
From: MZW Champions War II
Justin Joy on the offical poster.
From: MZW Beatdown
Official MZW Facebook
Front cover of the official DVD with the event, featuring Justin Joy.
From: MZW Beatdown
Showoff @ Twitter
Show poster. Wrestlers pictured are: Justin Joy, Laurance Roman, Shadow, Hexia, Asmund and Rick Baxxter.
From: MZW Freak Show
Facebook @ManiacZoneWrestling
Official poster. The four wrestlers are Asmund, Damien Rothschild, Justin Joy and Shadow.
From: MZW Project 1: New Beginning
Official MZW Facebook
Official poster, featuring Justin Joy.
From: MZW Project 5: Hero
Official MZW Facebook
Vic Golden, Olgierd and Justin Joy during the Battle Royal.
From: MZW No Time to Die
Istota Wrestlingu
Official poster. Left to right: Santino, Tristan Archer, Matt Sydal, Chris Masters, Nick Aldis, Puncher, Sinister, Justin Joy, Krampus.
From: PTW #2: BlackOut
Official PTW Facebook
Official poster.
Pictured left to right, in the top row: Nano Lopez, Taras,
Bad Bones, Sinister;
in the bottom row: Robert Star, Axel Fox,
Mike D. Vecchio, Krampus, Syriusz Dziedzic, Justin Joy.
From: PTW X RyuCon 2022
Official PTW Facebook
Promotional image: Axel Fox vs Justin Joy.
From: PTW X RyuCon 2022
Official PTW Facebook
Official poster. Pictured are: Matt Sydal, Trent Seven, Santino, Joe Hendry, Dawid "Puncher" Seńko, Sinister, Samuray Del Sol, Justin Joy, Arkadiusz Pawłowski, Marcin Rzeźniczek, Xia Brookside, Myla Grace, Diana Strong, Primate, Robert Star, "Starboy" Nano Lopez and Axel Fox.
From: PTW #3: Legends
Official PTW Facebook
Official poster. Pictured left to right: Sinister, Puncher, Diana Strong, Justin Joy.
From: PTW Underground 14
Official PTW Facebook
Appearances per promotion and year
Matches and segments
Justin Joy
Vic Golden
via DQ
Singles Match
at PTW Underground 14
"Top Gun" Samson
Justin Joy
Singles Match
at PTW Underground 13
Pure Gold: Vic Golden, Gabriel Queen
FoxJoy: Justin Joy, Axel Fox
Semi Final Round Tag Team Match for the inaugural PTW Tag Team Championship Tournament
at PTW Underground 12
Justin Joy, Axel Fox
The Frenchadors: Aigle Blanc, Senza Volto
First Round Tag Team Match for the inaugural PTW Tag Team Championship Tournament
at PTW Underground 11
Justin Joy
Gabriel Queen
Singles Match
at PTW Underground 10
Justin Joy
Axel Fox
No Disqualification Match
at PTW #3: Legends
Justin Joy
Sam Gradwell
Singles Match
at PTW Underground 9
Justin Joy
Robert Star
Singles Match
at PTW Underground 8
Axel Fox
Justin Joy
Singles Match
at PTW X RyuCon 2022
Justin Joy
Senza Volto
Singles Match
at PTW Underground 6
Justin Joy
Singles Match
at PTW Underground 4
Justin Joy
Tamas "Nitro" Szabo
Singles Match
at PTW Underground 3
Justin Joy
Axel Fox
Jonny Storm
Three Way Match
at PTW #2: BlackOut
Justin Joy
Singles Match
at MZW Project 7: Golden Road
Jacob Crane
Justin Joy
Singles Match
at MZW Project 6: Death & Glory
Damien Rothschild(c)
Justin Joy
MZW Championship
at MZW Project 5: Hero
Justin Joy
Apollo Anderson
Singles Match
at MZW Project 4: Open Your Eyes
Justin Joy
Madman Charlie
Singles Match
at MZW Project 3: Black & White
Christopher Anthony
Justin Joy
Three Way Match
at MZW Project 2: Four
Wataha: Apollo Anderson, Justin Joy
Catch Connection: Alexander Reich, Ronny Kessler
MZW Tag Team Championship
at MZW Project 1: New Beginning
Franz Engel
Justin Joy
MZW Championship
Triple Threat Match
at MZW Freak Show
Justin Joy
MZW Championship
Loser Leaves Town Match
at MZW Beatdown
Justin Joy
Red Thunder
MZW Championship
Lumberjack Match
at MZW @ Wyciskanie Sztangi 2016
Justin Joy
MZW Championship
at MZW Champions War II
Franz Engel, Jędruś Bułecka, Shadow
Justin Joy + Posse In Effect: Rick Baxxter, The Grannatic
Six Man Tag Team Match
at MZW @ Bieg WOP-isty
Justin Joy
Szymon Siwiec
Singles Match
at MZW Pre-War
Justin Joy
Szymon Siwiec
Singles Match
at MZW @ Wyciskanie Sztangi
Justin Joy
via DQ
Singles Match
at MZW Charity Show 2015
Justin Joy
Singles Match
at MZW Podziemny KrÄ…g
Justin Joy
Gracjan Korpo, Wiktor
Two On One Handicap Match
at MZW Wrestlefans Party
Justin Joy
- ?
Singles Match
at MZW @ Fenix Boxing Night
Justin Joy
Kowboj Luke
Triple Threat Match
at MZW Wakacyjny Slam
Kevin Williams
Singles Match
at MZW in Smolec
Jędruś Bułecka
Justin Joy
Falls Count Anywhere Match
at MZW in Smolec
Justin Joy
Singles Match
at MZW Pokaz Adeptów