Sędzia Klaudiusz 🇵🇱

Table of contents
  1. Basic info
  2. Professional wrestling career
    1. Prime Time Wrestling (2022-present)
  3. In wrestling
  4. Career

Sędzia Klaudiusz is a Polish wrestling referee known for his time in Prime Time Wrestling from 2022.

Basic info

Professional wrestling career

Prime Time Wrestling (2022-present)

Debut as Minion

At Underground 6 Klaudiusz made his debut under the nickname "Minion" - a heelish follower of Sinister, who at that time feuded with Nano Lopez. Minion was quickly defeated by the Spanish wrestler and has never made his return.

Referee Klaudiusz

Klaudiusz returned to PTW's ring as a referee making his re-debut at Underground 14, to fill in as a second referee working with Senior Referee Seweryn, after the suspention of Referee Rafał after the "Asian Scandal". He continued to make regular appearances in PTW from this point onward. After Sewi's departure from PTW following Total Blast From The Past, in June 2024 he became Senior Referee of PTW, and has been joined by Referee Herno soon after.

In wrestling

Photos from events


Appearances per promotion and year

Matches and segments

Crew appearances