PTW Underground 25: Wrestlingowe Mikołajki
PTW Underground 25 was an event by Prime Time Wrestling. The event's name refers to the date, close to December 6th, when Poland celebrates Saint Nicholas Day (Mikołajki), and is when the Christmas season kicks into gear. This makes its similar to PTW Underground 19 which was also Christmas-themed.
For this event, PTW invited several debuting wrestlers:
- Session Moth Martina, Irish wrestler from Dublin, who's very active on the British and Irish scenes since 2017, primarily in Pro-Wrestling EVE and Over The Top Wrestling.
- Italian-born, Dublin-based Bittersweet Josh, also appearing for Over The Top.
- Italian wrestler Flamingo, from Brescia.
Build up
- On 21.11.2024 PTW announced that Irish pro wrestler Session Moth Martina will make her debut in Prime Time Wrestling.
- On 25.11.2024 it was also announced that from this Underground onwards, PTW has a new sponsorship deal from Polish gift gadget seller FantastyczneGadżety.
Storylines overview
- After his victory over Arron Williams at the previous Underground, Spartan was set to take on Puncher for the PTW Championship in the main event.
Spartan as babyface gained a lot of support from both the fans and some personalities in PTW, especially after Puncher viciously attacked Prezes Okoński at the end of Underground 24.
- Alex Brave continued his feud with Miyagi Shida, which can be traced back to Underground 22.
Alex declared that he would end Miyagi's career in PTW, and the martial artist agreed to the stipulation, that if he lost, he would retire from Prime Time Wrestling.
- Shortly before Pawłowski made an appearance on Marcin Najman's "Oryginalne Zero" YouTube channel in a video titled "The Whole Truth About Polish Wrestling", which prompted further controversy on the Polish scene.
Asked if he's the only wrestling promoter in Poland, Pawłowski claimed that he was the only professional one, acknowledging the competition but calling them "more or less amateur projects".
Toggle results
Cast and crew
- Host
- Arkadiusz Pawłowski
- Referees
- Sędzia Herno, Sędzia Klaudiusz
Timestamps refer to the Istota Wrestlingu YouTube videos linked in the References section, and mark the start of wrestler entrances, not the opening bell.
- Timestamp:
- Pawłowski makes his classic entrance. This time he is wearing a Santa Claus style, red hoodie.
He greets the fans. The crowd chants his name as he hypes up the card and sponsors.
- Pawłowski makes a few announcements: this Underground would be the last of the series, as from January onwards PTW will drop the "Underground" brand to produce "bigger" shows. However, to honour this classic series, in 3-4 months PTW will introduce the PTW Underground Championship - most probably a midcard championship.
- After these announcements, Pawłowski also states that after the attack on Prezes Okoński at the last Underground, Puncher was fined financially.
- When he tries to announce the first fight, Puncher's theme is heard. The PTW Champion enters the ring and attacks Pawłowski verbally, stating that Arek cannot control him.
He shoots on both Pawłowski and Okoński, making references to Pawłowski's statement from his recent appearance in "Oryginalne Zero" saying that all of his talent left him and he's no pro wrestling messiah. He also shoots on Pawłowski's late father, saying that he died just to get away from Arkadiusz.
- Pawłowski - while almost crying - states that he made a lot of mistakes, but the biggest one is making Puncher the face of PTW. He also calls his champion "an ungrateful son of a bitch".
The PTW's owner states that today is the day of Puncher's defeat, as Spartan will strip him of the PTW Championship.
Erik Slotir vs Max Speed
- Timestamp:
- Erik Slotir makes his way to the ring first, trying to mock Max Speed. The crowd chants "Krecik!" (referencing a popular Czechoslovakian animated series), which visibly upsets Erik.
- Erik cuts a short promo, basically saying that he is way better than his opponent and that Christmas is cancelled.
- Max Speed enters the ring next, wearing a Santa hat and a Christmas sweater.
- Meanwhile, Referee Herno enters the ring.
- The match goes for about 8 minutes with the standard back-and-forth structure, with Erik trying to overpower Max mainly at ringside.
- At the end of the match Erik tries to hit a top-rope manoeuvre, but Speed ducks and hits his opponent with a Superkick and a Codebreaker to secure victory over the Czech wrestler.
- Winner: Max Speed by pinfall.
Triple Threat International Showcase Match: Flamingo vs Pedro vs Blaze
- Timestamp:
- Pawłowski announces the next match, which wasn't on the card before. It is a Triple Threat International Showcase Match.
- Referee Klaudiusz enters the ring.
- The first one to enter the ring is Flamingo from Italy.
- The second one is Pedro, also an Italian.
- The third contender is Blaze, who's made a couple of appearances in PTW before.
- The match goes for about 7 minutes with the simple structure of a triple threat match. Flamingo and Pedro are portrayed as mostly heel-leaning characters working together against Blaze, due to fact that they are both Italian-born. Finally Blaze overcomes them after hitting his finishing move on Flamingo.
- Winner: Blaze by pinfall.
Career Threating Match: Alex Brave vs Miyagi Shida
- Timestamp:
- Alex Brave enters the ring first. He makes his heelish entrance pointing towards a special chair reserved for his opponent, where he can sit after Alex ends his career in PTW.
- Miyagi Shida makes his way to the ring next.
- The match starts with multiple flash pinfall attempts from Alex. He is punished by Shida and quickly retreats to the ringside.
- After that Alex dominates the match for the most part, with Shida doing only a few fightbacks before finally being able to hit a comeback and a Superkick on Alex, who takes his time to taunt the public instead focusing on his opponent in the crucial part of the match.
- Winner: Miyagi Shida by pinfall.
- Shida celebrates by standing and bowing on the chair, which was reserved for him by Alex Brave.
Vincent Caravaggio vs Newt Nova
- Timestamp:
- Vincent Caravaggio makes his heelish entrance first.
- He also cuts a promo roasting the public, for being less intelligent and running from reality into the world of fantasy - taking a shot at one of PTW's new sponsors.
- Pawłowski takes the opportunity to mention the sponsor's name.
- Newt Nova makes his way to the ring.
- The whole match is spent with Vincent aiming mostly for Nova's leg to keep him from making any of his signature top rope moves. The match finally ends after Vincent wears down his opponent's leg enough to put him in the Ankle Lock.
- Winner: Vincent Caravaggio by submission.
Hardcore Tornado Tag Team Match: Budapest Bastards (Renegade & Nitro) vs L'Orda Luca Bjorn & Rust - PTW Tag Team Championship
- Timestamp:
- L'Orda members Luca Bjorn and Rust make their way to the ring first.
- Budapest Bastards - Nitro and Renegade - are the second ones to enter, as they are the PTW Tag Team Champions
- The match is officiated by Sędzia Klaudiusz, with Sędzia Herno standing at the ringside as a backup referee.
- The whole fight is filled with intense action due to the nature of the stipulation. For the most part the weapons aren't used much, with most of the damage being done during ringside brawls. Later on items such as a kendo stick, a plasma TV and a table are used.
- Renegade hits one of his opponents with the Crucifix Powerbomb onto a table and tries to secure a pinfall, however he is stopped by the other member of L'Orda making a save with a Championship Belt strike into the back of Renegade's head, and secures a pinfall.
- Winners: L'Orda by pinfall.
- After L'Orda celebrates and leaves the ring, Renegade and Nitro cut a short promo thanking PTW for having them, and stating that they are unsure when and if they will come back to PTW.
Bittersweet Josh vs Nano Lopez
- Timestamp:
- Bittersweet Josh makes his way to the ring as the first of the competitors. He is visibly portrayed as a villain.
- Nano Lopez is the second one to enter the ring.
- The match lasts for about 11 minutes with classic face vs heel action.
- Both wrestlers go back-and-forth until Nano tries to put his opponent in the Sharpshooter. Josh is however able to free himself from this attempt to defeat Nano with a roll-up.
- Winner: Bittersweet Josh by pinfall.
Segment: T-Shirt Auction
- Timestamp:
- Pawłowski hosts a short auction selling one of the first PTW T-shirts with signatures of every wrestler from the show. All earnings from the auction will be donated to charity.
- The T-Shirt is sold for 200 PLN (about 47 EUR, 39 GPB or 50 USD).
Diana Strong vs Session Moth Martina
- Timestamp:
- Session Moth Martina enters the ring first, dancing energetically. She downs a beer and gets a lot of pop from the crowd for her character and the theme song.
- Diana Strong makes her way to the ring second.
- Martina visibly dominates her opponent for the best past of the match, with Diana making a few strong comebacks and big moves on her, but still not being able to regain full control over her slick opponent.
- Finally Diana is able to hit a strong counter after receiving a Headbutt from Martina. She hits her opponent with a strong Knee Strike and proceeds to hit her finishing move.
- Winner: Diana Strong by pinfall.
- The ending of the match comes across as underwhelming, as Referee Herno made a rather indecisive three-count and Diana's theme played way too late, as if it was a botched finish.
Serg Sullivan vs El Homo (Prezes Okoński)
- Timestamp:
- Serg Sullivan makes his way to the ring first.
- Pawłowski announces his opponent - the debuting El Homo - which is a reference to one of the gimmicks used by the ex-KPW wrestler Ostrowski. It is however a brand new character.
- The new character makes his way to the ring, wearing a black BDSM-like mask, and led on a chain by a young woman dressed only in black lingerie and leather trenchcoat.
- Due to El Homo's golden attire the crowd chants "Vic!" - recalling the ex-PTW wrestler Vic Golden.
- The match is rather basic with Serg overpowering his opponent for a good part of it.
- Finally, close to the finish of the match, El Homo is unmasked by Sullivan and revealed to be Prezes Łukasz Okoński.
- After unmasking, Prezes Okoński gets the second wind and makes a strong comeback, but he is still defeated by Serg Sullvian.
- Winner: Serg Sullivan by pinfall.
Segment: Łukasz Okoński post-match interview
- Timestamp:
- Pawłowski invites Krzysztof Skwarczyński - a PTW interviewer - to conduct a short interview with Okoński.
- The interview is made in style of a post-MMA match interview. Okoński is visibly tired and out of breath, making short anwsers to the interviewer's questions.
- Okoński basically thanks everyone for their support on his way to his debut match.
Puncher (c) vs Spartan - PTW Championship
- Timestamp:
- Spartan makes his way to the ring, rocking his new AI-generated theme song.
- He is followed by the self-proclaimed moral compass of the Polish wrestling, Puncher.
- The entire match appears to be an even-levelled bout of two strong competitors.
- At one point Puncher begins to gain more momentum, just enough to try to hit Spartan with his Wylew (Superman Punch). Spartan ducks at the last second, so instead the finisher strikes Referee Klaudiusz, who falls flat on the mat.
- Spartan hits Puncher with the Spartan Bomb, but there is no one to count his pinfall attempt on Puncher. After an unsuccessful attempt of waking up Klaudiusz, Spartan approaches the downed Puncher, who hits him with a low blow.
- Pawłowski enters the ring holding a chair. It appears that he will strike Puncher to ensure Spartan's win, but at the last second he strikes Spartan instead, which allows Puncher to secure a pinfall.
- Winner: Puncher by pinfall.
- Timestamp:
- Pawłowski angrily storms out of the ringside without making any announcemets. Okoński stands in his way visibly disturbed, but Arek just shoves him out of his way and leaves the arena.
- Prezes Okoński is visibly shaken and stressed, but he thanks all of the fans for attending the show.
Official poster. Left to right, top row: Diana Strong, "Starboy" Nano Lopez, Dawid "Puncher" Seńko, Spartan, Bittersweet Josh, Session Moth Martina; bottom row: Arkadiusz Pawłowski, Łukasz "Prezes" Okoński.
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Facebook promotional graphic announcing Session Moth Martina
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El Homo (Prezes Okoński) led on a chain by Patrycja Malinowska
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