Legacy of Wrestling
Table of contents
2024: A new chapter
The live Q&A
The road to the first show
2025: The second show
All-time roster
2024: A new chapter
See also: PTW Exits
Over the course of 2023 and 2024 multiple wrestlers left Prime Time Wrestling, either quitting voluntarily or being removed by Arkadiusz Pawłowski.
Dissatisfied with their former promotion, they decided to start a wrestling project of their own which, unlike PTW, would be open to cooperation with other Polish organisations.
In early August of 2024 a number of former PTW wrestlers and staff posted to their social media teasing upcoming wrestling-related news.
On the 14th of August a reveal trailer was posted to a new YouTube channel named Legacy of Wrestling.
Set to Studio Buffo's cover of Krystyna Prońko's song "Psalm stojących w kolejce" (The Psalm of Those Standing in Line, a protest song from the early days of Solidarity), the trailer showed a couple of PTW-related fake newspaper clippings and the PTW Intergender Championship (hand-made by Marco Hammers out of cardboard, and only vaguely recognised by PTW), followed by several ex-PTW wrestlers: Hammers, Dziedzic, Wiktor Longman, Disco Pablo and Marcelito, as well as Jakub Linde (formerly Jakob Sigmarsson) who's currently on the PpW Ewenement roster.
It then showed the LOW logo and closed with Sinister singing "All You Need is Love" by The Beatles.
On the 5th of September LOW posted on Facebook stating that a live Q&A session would be held on YouTube in a few days, in order to answer people's questions, confirm certain theories and deny others. The document was signed "Pan Prezes" (Mister Chairman), harkening back (albeit unintentionally) to the early days of KPW when a mysterious "Mister Chairman" was often mentioned, but never actually seen.
The live Q&A
On 9.09.2024 LOW held a live Q&A on YouTube hosted by Piotr "ShowOff" Małecki, who anwsered questions asked by fans on Legacy's social media. The stream lasted around 75 minutes, during which ShowOff shared the following information:
- Unlike other Polish promotions thus far, Legacy is not going to have their own wrestling school, focusing on organising events instead.
- LOW might have their own championship titles; that remains to be seen.
- Legacy may put together a show in 2024; more information should be available soon, including the time, place and perhaps even tickets.
- The enigmatic "Mister Chairman" is someone who's been following Polish wrestling from the back seat and now wants to do something his own way. He is neither "Pan" Pawłowski nor PTW's co-founder, Rzeźnik.
- Legacy won't have their own roster of home-grown talent. Instead, they're aiming to be an indie federation, offering wrestlers from other promotions a place to work and gain experience and exposure.
- They want to cooperate relatively regularly with a core group of people allowing them to build storylines, while inviting other wrestlers from Poland and perhaps even from abroad (though from nearby rather than from far away).
- Legacy talked to nearly every Polish promotion and hope to have talked to all of them before the first show.
- The group will most likely be based in Katowice, with shows in other cities being a possibility, though not the main focus.
- LOW is not connected to PTW, aside from the experience gained there and the ambition to improve on some of PTW's perceived shortcomings.
- The first show will be their version of All In, meant to test how much can be done within the context of one event, and based on that they'll decide on the best course of action to take.
- LOW currently focuses on making their first event the best it can be. However, it is within the realm of possibility that the fist Legacy show will also be their last, if things don't work out.
- Owing to the above, the first show will be close-ended in case it never gets a follow-up, but will leave enough doors open in case of the opposite.
- The wrestlers will be paid for their appearances (this was a jab at "Pan" Pawłowski who, according to Samson, failed to properly compensate his workers financially).
- The first show will take place in Silesia, with Katowice being especially hinted at.
- They have their own ring, the origin of which is currently unknown.
- LOW don't expect Puncher to want to work for them, nor for "Pan" Pawłowski to agree to it.
- There's going to be beer.
- Legacy aims for pure wrestling, without relying on various influencers to gain media exposure, like PTW did.
- Tickets will cost no more than 100 PLN (approximately 23 EUR, 19.5 GBP, 26 USD, 3700 JPY or 23,000 KPW as of September 2024).
- Legacy wants to be open for cooperation with various wrestling YouTube outlets, such as What is Wrestling, WrestleOne, Attitude, Istota Wrestlingu, Blaze, Patrykos and others.
- There's a possibility that other promotions' championship titles could be defended at LOW shows.
- Only a handful of people in Poland have serious experience and knowledge managing a wrestling promotion, none of whom are working for Legacy. They do, however, have people with the know-how of putting together events (wrestling and otherwise), some of whom used to work with PTW.
- LOW hopes the first event is going to feature at least one wrestler from each Polish promotion.
- Wrestlers will most likely retain their current gimmicks, rather than have brand-new ones specifically for Legacy. All the past events that happened to those wrestlers in their respective promotions are going to be canonical for LOW and will exist in their own continuity.
- When asked if the event will be recorded and/or streamed live, ShowOff said they want to keep some things a secret for the time being.
- ShowOff would like Justin Joy to appear at the show.
- The idea for Legacy of Wrestling began to take shape when first people started leaving PTW.
- The abbreviation "LOW" will rarely be used, with "Legacy" being the official short name. "Legacy of Wrestling" was chosen in part jokingly, as they wanted people to have rather "LOW" expectations (unlike when PTW took off).
The road to the first show
On 25.09.2024 Legacy posted to Facebook revealing the date and location of the fist show: 1.12.2024 in the Królestwo music club in Katowice. In addition, a short trailer was posted to their YouTube channel, shot in the same location and starring the same people as the reveal trailer.
The next day there was another live Q&A, once again hosted by ShowOff.
- Sinister and Dziedzic will appear at the show; Sinister's stable may or may not exist any more.
- In one of the comments Filip Fux said "Once you have those tag team titles, let us know".
- They don't want to be PTW 2.0 and "clinically PG", but also don't want to go to the opposite extreme. The "hardcore level" of PTW, such as Axel Fox vs Justin Joy, is enough.
- The venue should hold about 300 people.
- The first show might be the only one, but LOW have long-term plans nonetheless.
- Legacy spoke to MCW, but not in the context of wrestlers.
- There's going to be a Patronite (a Polish Patreon equivallent) offering a limited run of T-shirts.
- A live stream was confirmed, although the platform has not yet been decided upon. A few options are being considered.
- The first event won't have a subtitle or a number, it'll simply be named "Legacy of Wrestling".
- The full card should be known in the first week of November and the first match in mid-October.
- There's going to be a match between wrestlers from different federations.
- Legacy are happy with their talks with other promotions.
- The first event should be about 2:30-2:45 hours long.
In October 2024 Legacy started unveiling the wrestlers booked for the first show. On 3.10.2024 they announced Wiktor Longman, Marco Hammers, Dziedzic and Marcelito, all of whom were in the reveal trailer. About a week later another post announced the first wrestler not seen in the trailer, and the first active worker from another promotion: Filip Fux from Kombat Pro Wrestling. Over next weeks, talent from PpW and MZW joined the line-up.
On November 11th, fans spotted LOW at the Extreme Sports Channel website - a long-time home to wrestling in Poland, which recently entered a partnership with Prime Time Wrestling to air their shows. The following day Legacy officially confirmed the deal, announcing that the channel became their official media partner and their first show would air on Extreme Sports Channel a week after the event, on the 8th of December.
2025: The second show
On 27.01.2025 Legacy published a teaser image for "Legacy of Wrestling Vol. 2". A trailer for the show was published on 18.02.2025, along with an announcement of another live Q&A, which took place on 19.02.2025. Again, the Q&A was hosted by ShowOff.
- The show is named "Legacy of Wrestling vol. 2" in reference to Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.
- Like previously, the show will take place on a Sunday, as this was the only available date that didn't clash with other wrestling shows.
- There were no expectations regarding Patronite before the first show.
- The VIP tickets (entry + limited T-shirt + signed poster) for Legacy vol. 2 are an attempt at a different approach, rather than a reaction to the Patronite results.
- The chances for someone from Prime Time Wrestling appearing at the show are nearly zero, with the current LOW-PTW relations being "complicated".
- Events from KPW, MZW and PpW shows are considered canon by Legacy, but what happens at Legacy shows may or may not be considered canon by other promotions.
- There will be fewer seats than the last time in order to fit more people in the venue, and sell more tickets.
- There will be no Patreon this time around.
- The limited T-shirts should be available for sale at the show, but it'll be cheaper to buy the VIP ticket with the T-shirt included.
- People who don't train as much will be used in roles other than in-ring competition, to keep the quality of the show consistently high.
- Legacy are considering their own championship titles, but first they want to establish themselves as a promotion with regular events.
- The second show will air on Extreme Sports Channel, and will be made available on YouTube about two weeks later.
- There are talks with regards to international wrestlers. Legacy are willing to have one or two guests from abroad, but Polish wrestlers are their primary focus.
- Prior to the first show, Legacy talked with KPW first, before moving on to their individual wrestlers.
- Legacy hope to have some KPW wrestlers at the second event as well.
- The ring will most likely be supplied by MZW again.
- The musical chairs from the first show were a reference to a similar segment in Progress Wrestling, featuring Finn Bálor.
- There were no talks with Mine City Wrestling this time; Legacy don't see a feasible way to have MCW be a part of the show with both sides being satisfied.
- Legacy talked to MCW with the hopes of borrowing their ring for the first show, but those talks fell through.
- There's a chance Express Pizza might be Legacy's sponsor again.
- Kubes, Dziedzic, Balik, Sambor and Mister Chairman were confirmed to be at the second show (though Mr. Chairman may or may not appear publicly).
- Arek Paterek should be at the show too; Disco Pablo perhaps as well.
- Everyone who appeared at the first show is invited to the second one.
- There will be matches between wrestlers from different promotions.
- Sinister won't be the host again. There's a possibility that each show will feature a different host.
- There might be another live Q&A before the show.
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All-time roster
Legacy of Wrestling logo
Official YouTube channel
Screenshot from an Instagram post by Piotr "ShowOff" Małecki teasing upcoming news
ShowOff's Instagram
An official-looking document announcing a live Q&A session.
Official LOW Facebook
The date and location of the first show revealed.
Official LOW Facebook
Teaser image for Legacy Vol. 2.
Official LOW Facebook