Mińska 65
Mińska 65 is an event venue in Warsaw. It held its first wrestling show, PpW Co Za Noc, in October 2024.
The industrial complex at Mińska 65 was built in mid-1950s in the place of "Centralne Warsztaty Samochodowe" (Central Car Works) - a pre-war car and motorcycle manufacturer. The building's blueprints were drawn by architects Jerzy Brandysiewicz and Stanisław Zalewski. Mińska 65 was the headquarters of the printing house "Drukarnia Naukowo-Techniczna" (Technical-Scientific Printing House, formerly known as "Drukarnia im. Rewoulcji Październikowej", October Revolution Printing House). It continued to be a printing house up untill 2012, when it shut down its operations. Later on, the complex at Mińska 65 was repurposed as an event venue especially targeted at hosting conferences, banquets, fashion shows and others.
In September 2024 PpW announced in a Facebook post that Mińska 65 would host their big show - Co Za Noc.
Mińska 65 is located in Praga Północ disctrict in Warsaw, at its eastern-bank side of the Vistula river. It is located near the district office of Praga Północ. The venue is rather well-conntected to the rest of the city, with both bus and tram stops within walking distance, as well as to the Warszawa Wschodnia (Warsaw East) train station. Public transport route from "Centrum" takes about 20-25 minutes. The venue itself is also adapted to host a medium-sized car park for the attending guests.
So far, the sole event hosted by Mińska 65 was held in one of three available halls called "Sala Kolumnowa" (Pillared Hall). Its area is about 880 square meters and in its raw condition the hall is able to accommodate around 800 standing spectators. The distinguishing feature of this hall are large skylights which give the place a unique atmosphere. At Co Za Noc the size of the hall allowed to dedicate a huge part of the hall to catering, merch stands and a tattoo parlour.