PpW Co Za Noc
"Co Za Noc" (What a Night) was an event announced on 10.09.2024, and held on Saturday, October 26th 2024 by PpW Ewenement. It took place in a brand new venue - a post-industrial complex at Mińska 65 in Warsaw.
Just like most of PpW's bigger shows, this event was streamed live on their YouTube channel for free.
The name of the show comes from a viral YouTube video published by Polish influencer Robert Pasut, and become a popular running joke and a sort of a catchphrase among PpW's fans and workers, roughly since PpW Ledwo Legalne IV.
- PpW announced a collaboration event for the show. Before and during the event, there will be an opportunity to get a tattoo, courtesy of tattoo parlour Syrena (Siren).
- To further bolster ticket sales, PpW introduced a student discount as well are "buy 5, get 1 free" discount.
- Many PpW personalities announced new merchandise items to be available at the show.
Storylines overview
- A huge part of the show revolved around the main conflict of two groups: the villainous "Zmowa" led by Mister Z, and "Zmowa przeciwko zmowie" led by Biesiad Strong.
Nearly a year-long feud of Mister Z versus Biesiad, as well as many other additional conflicts such as Pure Gold vs Legia Łysych, finally imploded at Hardcore Friday 2, after Biesiad and his allies challenged "Zmowa" for an "Ustawka Match", which was a 5 vs 5 Elimination No Holds Barred tag team match.
- Samson continued his rivalry with Gustav Gryffin.
After their non-title match at Hardcore Friday X4 ended in a draw, and losing to a team of Gustav and Isnorr in the Anarchy Cyclone Tag Team Match at Hardcore Friday 2,
Samson was eager to challenge Gustav for the PpW Championship in a strap match - the same weapon Gustav used to choke Samson during Hardcore Friday 2.
- Isnorr continued his crusade in the ultraviolent division, going up against Johnny Blade.
This story goes back to Turbo OG, where Isnorr intervened in Blade's match.
The rivalry later continued with Isnorr challenging Johnny for the PpW European Ultraviolent Championship at Ale Grzeje, only to be defeated.
Isnorr then won the Insane Wheel of Fortune Gauntlet Invitational Match hosted by Blade, and later defeated him in a tag team match at Hardcore Friday 2, earning his opportunity to challange the champion for a rematch.
- After their match at Ale Grzeje was cancelled due to Alex Arthur's other obligations, he and Feager were set to finally compete in a chairs match at "Co Za Noc".
Toggle results
Cast and crew
- Host, Ring Announcer
- Michael HT
- Referees
- Sędzia Seweryn, Sędzia Karol Górski, Sędzia Kornel
- Commentary
- Szymon "Modzel" Modzelewski, Mateusz "Orzech" Orzechowski
- Interviews
- Mateusz Czarnecki
Timestamps refer to the YouTube video linked in the References section, and mark the start of wrestler entrances, not the opening bell.
- Timestamp:
- Michael HT makes his way to the ring to a remix of his theme song "Koty z Mokotowa". He hypes up the crowd.
- Referee Seweryn makes his way to the ring carrying two leather belts. The other belts are also attached to the ropes around the ring.
- HT announces the first fight of the night: the championship bout for the PpW Championship.
Strap Match: Samson vs Gustav Gryffin (c) - PpW Championship
- Timestamp:
- Samson makes his way to the ring to a huge babyface reaction. The crowd is loudly chanting "Samson" while the referee attaches one of leather belts to the contender's wrist using duct tape.
- Gustav Gryffin makes his way to the ring to a heat from the PpW fans. The crowd is chanting "Get the fuck out" as well as flipping him off. Gustav hits high-fives with a few of his supporters (referred to as "Gryffinators").
- A leather belt is attached to Gustav's wrist. The crowd is chanting "Bartoszyce? And where the fuck is that?!" to mock Gryffin's hometown.
- Seweryn presents the PpW Championship to the crowd, while Michael HT repeats the rules of a Strap Match to the public.
- The whole match is filled with vicious strap strikes from both of the competitors. After a shine from Samson the fight moves to the ringside area, where Gustav gets the upper hand countering Samson's offensive with a strong push to a ringpost and back suplex to the apron.
- Gustav then proceeds to dominate Samson inside the ring with belt strikes and chokeholds against the ropes. Samson tries to make a comeback but he is quickly put down in a strike exchange. The champion tries to pin the Beast of Będzin couple of times, but he keeps kicking out, much to the crowd's approval.
- Samson finally makes a comeback after countering corner offensive, he then proceeds so deliver a missle dropkick, but Gustav kicks out at two, which turns the crowd hostile towards the referee, with audible "It was three!" chants. Gustav then counters with a spinebuster and puts Samson in a cloverleaf, with the championship contender narrowly escaping the submission with a rope break. Back-and-forth exchange of big moves and nearfalls continues with a few really close calls after Samson's back suplex, Gustav's superplex and Samson's finishing frog splash, which is miraculously kicked out of by the reigning PpW champion. The crowd begins to chant "Referee is a dick!".
- Gustav and Samson - both now desperate - take off the tops of their singlets to exchange a series of belt strikes to their bare chests. The scuffle ends with Samson's superkick and an attempt to hit another frog splash, ducked by Gustav. However, he gets put in a fireman's carry position, only to slide out of Samson's back to put him in a choke using the leather belt. Samson loses consciousness and referee calls out the bout due to submission.
- Winner: Gustav Gryffin by submission.
- After the victory, Gustav celebrates in the ring for awhile, listening to the crowd's "Get the fuck out!" chants and booing.
- During a short brake between matches the ring is cleared by PpW's referees and staff to get rid of the leather belts.
Fatal Four-Way Match: Sambor vs Marcelito v Aron Wake v Adept Oskar
- Michael HT announces the second fight of the night, while Referee Karol Górski already waits in the ring.
- Timestamp:
- Marcelito makes his face entrance first.
- Second of the babyfaces - Aron Wake - makes his entrance shortly after Marcelito.
- Sambor makes his mysterious heel entrance, and also his PpW debiut.
- The final spot in the Fatal-Four Way match belongs to rookie Oskar, who makes his ambiguous entrance to "Zacznij od Bacha" song by Zbigniew Wodecki. He also wears characteristic heart-shaped sunglasses, resembling those given away by Łukasz Okoński - one of PTW's co-owners.
- The match starts with a beatdown of babyfaces perpetrated by Oskar and Sambor. The two soon after begin their own strike exchange, which is won by the Slavic warrior, Sambor.
- Oskar then leaves the ring after a running knee strike, just to be accompanied by Sambor seconds later after he recieves a double dropkick from the babyfaces.
- After Marcelito joins the heels at the ringside, Aron stands tall after a top rope dive. Wake then proceeds to score a pin on Marcelito, who quickly kicks out.
- With all the wrestlers back inside the ring, the match becomes a four-way tug-of-war with every contestant getting an opportunity to shine and pull off a big move just to be cut off by a third competitor.
- Finally, Oskar gets the upper hand by hitting Marcelito with a bodyslam on top of knocked down Sambor and Wake. Aron however kicks out.
- Desperate Oskar tries to hit his oponents with an aerial move from the top of a turnbuckle but gets cut off by Sambor and Marcelito, who hold him in a double suplex. Aron Wake gets in for a powerbomb, which effectively puts all four in a "tower of doom". The crowd chants "Fucking awesome!"
- Aron stands tall as the first of all and begins his comeback with a series of corner cannonballs to all the other wrestlers. However, when it is time to hit Oskar with one, Wake gets countered into powerful powerbomb, with a close-call pinfall broken by Marcelito.
- Another exchange of nearly match-ending moves with pinfalls narrowly kicked out of, or broken by other competitors, ends after Oskar counters Aron's finisher with a clothesline and another powerbomb to end the fight.
- Winner: rookie Oskar by pinfall.
- Oskar is joined in his celebration by an unnamed female figure (presumably a new manager/valet), wearing fancy black clothes, white sneakers and sunglasses.
- After his victory, rookie Oskar announces that henceforth he shall be known as Oskar Aleksander.
- Oskar Aleksander and his valet leave the ring while crowd boos them.
Alex Arthur vs Bill Faeger
- Michael HT again hypes up the crowd before the fight. He also promotes the merch stand and the tattoo parlour "Syrena".
- The host invites Referee Kornel to the ring. The crowd cheers him while Michael announces the third fight.
- Timestamp:
- Alex Arthur makes his entrance first.
- Feager makes his entrance to the ring to a rather negative fan reaction.
- The match starts slowly, with some basic chain wrestling and a test of strength before Faeger gets the upper hand with a heelish move.
- Faeger continues to beat down Arthur all around the ring, while the crowd is chanting "Where are the chairs?!"
- Alex Arthur finally gets the upper hand after a back suplex and suicide dive. He then starts to hit Bill Faeger with a chair he took from underneath the ring.
- A long brawl at the ringside ends up with Faeger regaining control over the match. After working on his opponent's leg with chairshots and a few short comebacks from Arthur, Faeger tries to hit Alex Arthur with a chokeslam. The Ukrainian wrestler counters the move to a sidewalk slam and an unsuccesful pinfall attempt.
- The scuffle ends up with Alex standing tall and taking the opportunity to set up a four-chair structure in the ring to hit his finisher on Faeger. However, the ex-PpW Champion counters it with a back body drop and destroys Alex's chair structure, which is rebuilt shortly thereafter.
- The match ends after Bill Faeger hits Alex Arthur with a powerbomb onto the structure, and an underhook facebuster on a chair laying in the middle of the ring.
- Winner: Bill Faeger by pinfall.
- Faeger celebrates in the ring for a while, while staff clears the leftover chairs from the ring.
First break & interviews
- Zuzia, one of the ring crew members, has her birthday on the day of the event. Michael HT asked her into the ring where she received a birthday gift, while the crowd sang "Sto lat" (the Polish equivalent to "Happy Birthday").
- After the birthday celebratio,n HT announces the intermission, which is scheduled to take about 20 minutes.
- Timestamp:
- The transmission cuts to the backstage, where Mateusz Czarnecki interviews Gustav Gryffin.
- Gustav Gryffin admits that Samson is one of the toughest opponents in his career, but he was confident that he would defeat the Beast of Będzin. Gustav invites Samson to join "Zmowa". He also issues an open challenge to anyone, be it at PpW, MZW or Legacy.
- Samson admits that Gutsav indeed "whooped his ass" without any shenanigans, so he feels lost and is unsure about his future in the ring, as "aapart of him died in the ring tonight". He apologies to all of his fans for failing in tonight's bout, and can't promise that he will be on the next show.
- Marcelito admits that Oskar Aleksander did a good job, but due to the fact that he wasn't pinned he would like a singles match against him in the future.
- Aron Wake says that Ewenement Dojo is currently the best pro wrestling school in Poland, and Oskar Aleksander is a good example of that. Despite his loss in the match, Aron says that he's still got it, and wants to prove more in the future.
- Sambor simply states that he is here to stay despite losing in his PpW debut. He congratulates Oskar on his win, but claims that he would win if it weren't for Aron Wake, who became his target after that Four-Way Match.
- Oskar Aleksander arrives with his "Talent Agent", but her name was not stated. He disses the PpW Fanatics for not cheering during the maiden vicory of career. His agent states that Oskar has bright future before him, and she is in talks with PpW's promotor to provide the best offers for her client.
- Beer-drinking Bill Feager denies that the fight with Alex was a "long awaited challenge". Then he shoots on "Mister Zjeb" and his booking decisions, as well as on Alex Arthur who "bolted out from his fight" at Ale Grzeje. He also shoots on his critiques who say that he can't wrestle, as he claims that their opinion does not matter since he was a PpW Champion for over 130 days.
- Interview time ends as Matuesz invites everyone on to the second part of the show.
Ustawka Match: "Zmowa" (Mister Z, Olgierd, Marco Hammers, Jakub Linde & Wiktor Longman) vs "Zmowa przeciwko zmowie" (Biesiad Strong, Goblin, Axel Fox, Gabriel Queen & Vic Golden)
- Michael HT hypes up the next match as one of the most improtant fights in the history of PSW ("Polska Scena Wrestlingu", Polish Wrestling Scene). Referee Seweryn makes his way to the ring. The loud "Fuck the Collusion" chants are audible.
- Timestamp:
- Pure Gold (Vic Golden & Gabriel Queen) make their entrance as first members of "Zmowa przeciwko zmowie". The crowd sings their "Best of Both Worlds" theme song.
- Goblis (Axel Fox &Goblin) make their entrance rocking a new theme song "Punk Tactics" by Joey Valence & Brae.
- The captain of the team Biesiad Strong makes his entrance to the crowd's great approval. The whole team hypes themselves up in the ring.
- HT announces the first members of "Zmowa" - Legia Łysych (Olgierd & Marco Hammers) make their way through the entrance, waiting for the rest of "Zmowa" by the ring.
- Mister Z and Jakub Linde make their way to the ring together. The leader of "Zmowa" then cuts a short promo, promising to his enemies that if Biesiad's team lose today's Ustawka Match, they won't be paid for the next year in the federation, and all of the saved-up funds will be donated to support mentaly ill people, such as Biesiad and his crew. Then he announces the Collusion's mystery partner...
- The mystery partner is Wiktor Longman, who makes his debut in PpW.
- The match starts slowly but intensely, with both teams feeling out each other's strengths and weaknesses.
- After Marco Hammers nearly gets eliminated by Vic Golden, he tries to go for a tag with his parnters, but Biesiad prevents him from doing so. THe situation escalates to the point where all members of both teams stand in front of each other in the ring. Referee Sewi gets between both teams trying to restore law and order, but Olgierd throws him out of the ring, and a massive brawl explodes.
- The intense brawl continues while the crowd chants "Violence". Finally the ring is cleared out after babyfaces throw the Collusion to the ringside. This is followed by Fox & Queen's stereo dive and Biesiad with a top rope swanton to the outside.
- Biesiad pulls Marco Hammers to the ring, and pins him after hitting a buckshot lariat.
- Eliminated: Marco Hammers.
- Jakub Linde then tries to put some offensive on Biesiad, but he is quickly submitted by the captain of the babyface team.
- Eliminated: Jakub Linde.
- Mister Z then fights Biesiad Strong. Captains of both teams fight for a moment and when Mister Z is dragged into "Anty-Zmowa" corner, Olgierd and Wiktor Longman attack the remaining members of "Zmowa Przeciwko Zmowie" with kendo sticks to prevent them from getting the upper hand. Mister Z takes a beating long enough to distract Biesiad until Wiktor and Olgierd deal with the rest of the babyfaces, to then come after him with kendo sticks, hitting him with two finishers which allow Mister Z to pin him.
- Eliminated: Biesiad Strong.
- Match goes on with a lot of back-and-forth action and close calls from both teams. Finally, this comes to an end after a massive 7-person suplex on "Zmowa" and their beatdown using foregin objects. The fight moves to the ringside, where Vic Golden hits a top-rope moonsault on the rest of the fighting wrestlers.
- Pure Gold tries to hit their tag team finisher "Golden Shower" on a blindfolded Olgierd, but he is able to avoid it and gain control over Vic Golden, who is then treated to an "At Your Service" from Longman and gets pinned.
- Eliminated: Vic Golden.
- Gabriel Queen tries to fight both Wiktor Longman and Olgierd, but he gets overpowered while Olgierd hits him with his running headbutt.
- Eliminated: Gabriel Queen.
- Goblis stand their ground against the three remaining members of "Zmowa". Despite being outnumbered, they are able to hit poetry in motion on Mister Z and Olgierd, and put Longman through the table. Z tries to hit Fox with a kendo stick from behind, but Goblin makes the save, allowing Fox to get his revange on Mister Z, who hit him the same way on Hardcore Friday 2.
- Olgierd saves the PpW producer from a further beating with a baseball bat, knocking down both members of Goblis. This allows "Zmowa" to set up a table to put Axel Fox through it.
- Eliminated: Axel Fox.
- Goblin - the sole survivor of "Zmowa Przeciwko Zmowie" - goes into an uneven fight against Mister Z. Finally he gets a chance to counter his springboard attack into his own finisher and secure a pin.
- Eliminated: Mister Z.
- Longman again tries to put the Acid Messiah to the ground, however when Longman tries to set up Goblin for Olgierd's running headbutt, Goblin ducks, so that Wiktor is the one hit with Olgierd's finisher, allowing Goblin to go for another pin on Longman.
- Eliminated: Wiktor Longman.
- The Acid Messiah goes for another miraculous recovery after being hit with many big moves. He is unable to defeat Olgierd with a springboard DDT due to the incredibly durable head of the bald hooligan. Olgierd hits him with a buckle bomb and his finisher, but when he leans over Goblin, the Acid Messiah sprays green mist from his mouth and puts Olgierd in a small package to score a flash pin.
- Eliminated: Olgierd.
- Winners: "Zmowa Przeciwko Zmowie" (Biesiad Strong, Goblin, Axel Fox, Gabriel Queen & Vic Golden).
- After the match, Olgierd is quickly apprehended by referees and staff to prevent him from attacking Goblin. The exhausted Goblin celebrates the victory over "Zmowa" along with his teammates in the ring.
Second break & interviews
- Michael HT announces a 15 minute break before the main event.
- Timestamp:
- PpW staff start preparations for the Ultraviolent Main Event by removing the blue canvas and installing ultraviolent objects in the ring.
- During an interview with Goblin, Biesiad comes in with a steel girder and hands it to the Acid Messiah as a symbol of defeating the Collusion. Goblin teases the end of "Zmowa", but says that "the rot starts at the top" marking the "top" as Gustav Gryffin, thus reviving their rivarly.
- In the next interview, Wiktor Longman simply states that "he is just doing business". Mister Z agrees that after their defeat, some changes need to be made in "Zmowa", but denies that it is over since he's still the producer of PpW.
- A furious Olgierd physically abuses interviewer Mateusz while cutting a vulgar promo on Goblin, pledging to make him "his bitch".
- Mateusz Czarnecki invites the viewers for the main event.
- Michel HT announces the main event, while Referee Karol Górski, wearing protective gear, makes his entrance to the ring.
- Timestamp:
- Isnorr enters the ring carrying an axe.
- Johnny Blade makes his entrance as the second contestant. The crowd is clearly on Blade's side, as they loudly chant "Johnny!"
- The ultraviolent match goes for a back-and-forth action filled with dangerous spots, barbed wire and light tubes, until both competitors bleed profusely, which is more visible on Blade's body.
- In the final moments of the match, Isnorr goes for a Death Valley Driver onto one of the structures made of chairs, wood, barbed wire and light tubes, to finally set Johnny Blade up for a pinfall finish.
- Winner: Isnorr.
- Isnorr celebrates his first championship victory in PpW for a while, with a mixed reception from crowd.
Ending & final interviews
Official poster, featuring Olgierd, Gustav Gryffin and Mister Z.
Official PpW Facebook
Social media graphic with Mister Z announcing the new location.
Official PpW Facebook
Tattoo parlour Syrena. Get yerself a tattoo at the show. In the corner are cartoons of Biesiad and Johnny Blade.
Official PpW Facebook