PpW Hardcore Friday 2
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Segment: Gustav Gryffin, Olgierd, Isnorr
New PpW Championship revealed.
Axel Fox
rookie Oskar
Gabriel Queen
via DQ - Olgierd used a kendo stick
Ustawka bez sprzętu (no weapons hooligan street fight)
Biesiad Strong
Bill Feager
- ?
NOTE: Michael HT declared Biesiad the winner, but an official Facebook post later called the fight a no contest.
Dostawczak Match (Delivery Van Match)
Jacob Crane
Gustav Gryffin, Isnorr
Samson, Johnny Blade
Anarchy Cyclone Tag Team Match
Segment: Axel Fox, Biesiad Strong, Gustav Gryffin, Johnny Blade, Mister Z, Olgierd, Samson
Zmowa vs Zmowa przeciwko zmowie face-off
Segment: Gustav Gryffin, Isnorr, Olgierd
New PpW Championship revealed.
Axel Fox vs rookie Oskar
Gabriel Queen vs Olgierd
Ustawka bez sprzętu (no weapons hooligan street fight)
Biesiad Strong vs Bill Feager
Dostawczak Match (Delivery Van Match)
Jacob Crane vs Marcelito
Gustav Gryffin, Isnorr vs Samson, Johnny Blade
Anarchy Cyclone Tag Team Match
Segment: Axel Fox, Biesiad Strong, Gustav Gryffin, Johnny Blade, Mister Z, Olgierd, Samson
Zmowa vs Zmowa przeciwko zmowie face-off
Cast and crew
- Host, Ring Announcer
- Michael HT
- Referees
- Sędzia Karol Górski, Sędzia Seweryn
- There was no official transmission, but a fancam live stream is available.
- PpW's host makes his entrance to "Koty z Mokotowa" (not availbable in the unofficial stream, but confirmed by fans in attendance). He runs through the card of the's show and hypes up the crowd. Gustav Gryffin's music interrupts him.
- Gustav, Olgierd and Isnorr make their entrance. Gustav, wearing a suit, cuts a promo about PpW's growth being due to Zmowa's actions. He lists the members: Olgierd, a prospective member Isnorr, Jakub Linde, Marco Hammers and Mister Z (named a "true messiah of Polish wrestling" - a shot at "Pan" Pawłowski. The crowd boos and chants "Mister Zjeb" (roughly Mister Asshole). Gustav lists the previous champions, then says the belt is a relic of the past, spits and stomps on it, then kicks it out of the ring. On command, Olgierd unzips his sweatshirt to present Gustav with a new, personalised, white PpW Championship. He gets "fuck you" and "respect the belt" chants. He dares anyone who has a problem with this to get better and do something about it... but nobody can.
- Michael HT makes his entrance to announce the next match.
Axel Fox vs Oskar
- Referee Seweryn slides into the ring. Crowd chants for "violence".
- Out next is Axel Fox. He makes his entrance and calls out Mister Z or anybody else. Making his entrance is rookie Oskar, wearing all black, Young Lion-style gear. The crowd makes fun of it with "show your ass", "wear some pants" and "show your dick" chants. Fox offers a handshake, but Oskar refuses, establishing himself as a heel in this match. The crowd's clearly on Fox's side. Oskar establishes early dominance with power moves and berating his smaller oponent. Fox makes a comeback, "this is awesome" chants erupt. Fox wins with a top rope elbow drop to a huge pop. He offers a handshake to the rookie, which he now accepts. Fox celebrates in the ring.
- Referee Karol Górski makes his entrance, Michael HT is back in the ring. He plugs the tickets for next show, Co Za Noc, at a discount.
Gabriel Queen vs Olgierd
- The next match is an "ustawka bez sprzętu" (a hooligan street fight - no weapons) as per the agreement between Gabriel Queen and Olgierd.
- Gabriel Queen is out first, with crowd having fun to his Hannah Montana theme. Huge pop.
- Out next is Olgierd to mostly boos. They start feeling out the crowd and there are now dueling chants for Olgierd and Gabriel.
- The match starts as a back-and-forth striking contest. Olgierd thwarts Queen's momentum with a slam, attempts a pinfall but only one-count there. He continues working on Queen while the crowd chants for blood. After a missed head-butt, Queen gets a chance for his comeback and he's on fire.
- The actions spills outside the ring, a baseball bat is introduced. Referee hides the bat under the ring, Queen uses this opportunity to make a Poetry-In-Motion-style jump back into the ring, off the referee's back, dropkicking Olgierd.
- Olgierd snaps, introduces a kendo stick into the match, pushes away the referee and pummels Queen. As per match rules, Olgierd is disqualified - Queen wins.
Biesiad Strong vs Bill Feager
- Michael HT is back in the ring talking to the crowd.
- Dostawczak match (delivery van match). Feager is out first with a sledgehammer to indifferent reactions and some boos. Biesiad is next, with crowd chanting along to his song.
- Biesiad immediately charges at Feager, throws a chair in his face and is on fire. Feager tossed out of the ring, Biesiad dives and they brawl outside. Action is back to the ring with Feager now dominant. He beats Biesiad down with frying sheets and some of his trademark offense.
- Feager introduces a table into the ring, sets it up on the corner. Biesiad tries to suplex the table on to Feager, but he catches it and sets up in the opposite corner, throws Biesiad into it, breaking the table. Another table suplex spot, now Biesiad succeeds.
- Biesiad attempts a pinfall but is reminded that the match can only be won by putting the oponent into the van parked outside the venue. After more action in the ring, they brawl towards the outside and the van.
- They brawl using the van and some railings set up due to area's reconstruction. Biesiad is thrown into the van and Feager closes one side of the door, then the next other... but Biesiad blocked the door with a board. He dives out of the van and makes his comeback on Feager.
- Now Feager is put in the van, Biesiad joins him and locks both of them inside. The referee starts the count and the van drives away to everyone's confusion. Nonplussed, the referee announces that the fight carries on, as the vehicle disappears around the bend.
- As the crowd returns to the venue, Biesiad's music is heard and Michael HT declares Biesiad to be the winner. Winner: apparently Biesiad, unless confirmed otherwise by PpW.
Marcelito vs Jacob Crane
- Referee of the match: Seweryn.
- Jacob Crane is out first, making a babyface entrance. Marcelito is next. They start trading technical offense.
- Crowd starts singing, but it's unrelated to the match - it's now 21:37 and the song is "Barka".
- Marcelito releases himself from Crane's grip and starts his sequence of striking moves. Satellite DDT on Crane but only a two-count. Crane back with his offense, Emerald Flowsion for a three-count. Winner: Jacob Crane
- Crane grabs a mic for a promo; he appreciates the crowd liking his posterior and poses for the fans. He announces leaving for Japan for next 6 months, thanks the fans and wishes them fun for the rest of the show.
Anarchy Cyclone Tag Team Match
- The heel team make their entrances - Isnorr first to moderate heel reaction, then Gustav Gryffin.
- Samson makes his entrance with a trash can full of weapons to a huge pop. Johnny Blade joins him with a makeshift mallet (water bin on a kendo stick).
- Heels start to beat down Samson during Blade's entrance as he enters the ring; he makes a save and the match is even. Action spills outside the ring, Gryffin and Samson brawl at the bar table. Crowd urges Samson to kill Gryffin.
- Now, Gryffin and Blade fight in the ring, while Samson and Isnorr fight outside. Gryffin tosses Blade outside onto the other two.
- Samson and Gryffin in the ring, Gryffin lays Samson out with a chairshot. He continues to pummel Samson, while the crowd urges Samson to fight back. He makes a comeback, but it's short-lived and Gryffin continues to punish him.
- Samson and Blade fight Isnorr for some near falls, eventually Gryffin makes his return to the ring. Gryffin is laid on the table, Samson with a frog splash for a near fall - Isnorr breaks the pin from the outside.
- Low blow from Isnorr and heels get the upper hand. Gryffin straps Samson to the corner. They slam Blade through a board on the chairs, while Samson is only able to helplessly watch.
- Isnorr pins Blade for a three-count. Winners: Isnorr and Gustav Gryffin.
- The Heels continue to pummel Blade, with a helpless Samson still in the corner. Olgierd joins the beatdown now and hits Braindead on Blade. Axel Fox enters for a save to monster pop. A masked figure lays him out with a kendo stick - it's Mister Z. They all beat Fox down.
- Outside, the van returns, Biesiad runs into the venue. After a brief brawl, steps outside for a moment, and returns with a piece of aluminium truss, throwing it into the ring, forcing the heels to take notice.
- Heels back away and it looks like "Zmowa przeciwko zmowie" is finally formed. Babyfaces free Samson and they all celebrate together. Biesiad challenges Mister Z to an "ustawka match" where each of them teams up with his respective crew.
- Some taunting between the two teams and babyfaces celebrate once again to loud cheers and "PpW" chants.
- Michael HT confirms "Zmowa przeciwko zmowie vs Zmowa" for the next show. He plugs the next shows and announces the start of ticket sale for the next day. Afterparty starts.
Official poster, featuring Johnny Blade.
Official PpW Facebook