Rosetti 🇵🇱

Rosetti is one of the most experienced KPW wrestlers still on the active roster, next to Greg and David Oliwa, with roots in Do Or Die Wrestling. Like Oliwa, Rosetti trained under Don Roid and appeared as a rookie in two DDW shows, but his official debut didn't happen until DDW folded and was superseded by KPW.

Initially performing as a solo wrestler, Rosetti later started teaming with Sawicki, and together they won the KPW Tag Team Championship at Arena 11. Eventually, however, they lost the title at Arena 16 to The Hunt (Primate & Wild Boar). Rosetti blamed Sawicki for the loss and, in a fit or anger, attacked him with a chair after the match. The onslaught was so brutal that Sawicki was never seen in KPW again (in reality, he left for Prime Time Wrestling where he trained, but never performed). This incident would end up earning him the nickname "Sadysta z Łodzi" (The Sadist from Łódź), first heard in his promo for Arena 20.

Following the loss of the Tag Team title, Rosetti returned to wrestling solo; he was supposed to pair with Eryk Lesak at Arena 18, however he was late for the event and missed his fight. Soon after that he would join Gałąź Gregoriańska (The Gregorian Branch), a heel stable led by Greg, and at Godzina Zero 2022 he won the KPW OldTown Championship by defeating David Oliwa in a less-than-savoury manner. This victory was followed by a number of strong international opponents, such as Flexos, Ludy Lohan or Zak Knight. Rosetti's string of victories as a champion abruptly ended at Arena 25 when Chemik, a fellow Gregorian Branch member, backstabbed Rosetti and claimed the OldTown title for himself.


Internet presence


Appearances per promotion and year

Matches and segments